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    Application by the United States Testing Company, Inc., California Division, for Recognition as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL)

OSHA announces the application of the California Division of the United States Testing Company, Inc. for recognition as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) under 29 CFR 1910.7. The address of the laboratory covered by this application is 5555 Telegraph Road, Los Angeles, CA. The applicant requests recognition for testing and certification of products when tested for compliance with the following test standards: ANSI/UL 1 - Flexible Metal Conduit; ANSI/UL 3 - Flexible Nonmetallic Tubing for Electric Wiring; ANSI/UL 250 - Household Refrigerators and Freezers; ANSI/UL 514A - Metallic Outlet Boxes, Electrical; UL 544 - Electric Medical and Dental Equipment; ANSI/ UL 632 - Electrically Actuated Transmitters; ANSI/UL 751 - Vending Machines; ANSI/UL 913 - Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for Use in Class I, II, and III, Division I, Hazardous (Classified) Locations;ANSI/UL 1012 - Power Supplies; UL 1236 - Electric Battery Chargers;UL 1270 - Radio Receivers, Audio Systems, and Accessories; ANSI/UL 1418 - Implosion-Protected Cathode-Ray Tubes for Television-Type Appliances; UL 1459 - Telephone Equipment; ANSI/UL 1484 - Residential Gas Detectors; ANSI/UL 1571 - Incandescent Lighting Fixtures; and UL 1604 - Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III Hazardous (Classified) Locations. Based upon a review of the completed application file and recommendation of the staff, the Assistant Secretary has made a preliminary finding that the company can meet the requirements for recognition as required by 1910.7. Interested members of the public are invited to supply detailed reasons and evidence supporting or challenging the sufficiency of the applicant''s having met the requirements. Submission of pertinent written documents and exhibits must be submitted by 5/22/92. Final decision on whether the applicant satisfies the requirements will be made on the basis of the entire record including public submissions. For information contact: James Concannon, NRTL Recognition Program, OSHA, Washington, D.C.