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  • Fed Register #:
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    Approval of New Mexico State Standards

OSHA has approved the following New Mexico State Standards, which have been determined to be identical to the comparable Federal Standards: 29 CFR 1910.120, Amendments to Hazardous Waste and Emergency Response (56 FR 15832-15835, dated April 18, 1991); 29 CFR 1910.1025, Amendments to Lead (56 FR 2486, dated May 31, 1991); 29 CFR 1926, Stairways and Ladders Used in the Construction Industry (55 FR 47687- 47691 dated November 14, 1990); and Amendments to Stairways and Ladders Used in the Construction Industry (56 FR 41794, dated August 23, 1991). Decision effective April 14, 1992.