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  • Fed Register #:
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  • Title:
    Notice of request for expansion of recognition as a nationally recognized testing laboratory for ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc

This notice announces the application of the ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. for expansion of its recognition as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) under 29 CFR 1910.7, and presents the Agency''s preliminary finding. The ETL, which previously made application for recognition as a NRTL and which was so recognized, has made application for an expansion of its current recognition for the equipment or materials listed. The NRTL Recognition Program staff made and in-depth study of the details of ETL''s application, amendments, and supplementary material and determined that an on-site visit to the South San Francisco facility was necessary. All interested members of the public are invited to supply detailed reasons and evidence supporting or challenging the proposed expansion of the current recognition of the ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. Submission of pertinent written documents and exhibits shall be made no later than January 18, 1993 and must be addressed to the NRTL recognition program, Office of Variance Determination, room N 3653, USDOL/OSHA, Third Street and Constitution Ave., NE., Washington, DC 20210. Copies of all pertinent documents (Docket No. NRTL-1-89), are available for inspection and duplication at the Docket Office, room N 2634, USDOL/ OSHA at the above address.