• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Final Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    Occupational Exposure to Asbestos


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

29 CFR Parts 1910, 1915, and 1926

RIN 1218-AB25

Occupational Exposure to Asbestos


In rule document 95-4083 appearing on page 9624 in the issue of Tuesday, February 21, 1995, in the first column, the text under DATES: should read as follows: "These amendments take effect on February 21, 1995. For Part 1910-General Industry, for Sec. 1910.1001, the start-up dates for compliance for paragraph (d)(2) - initial monitoring, for paragraph (e) - regulated area, for paragraph (f) - methods of compliance, paragraph (g) - respiratory protection, paragraph (i) - hygiene facilities, paragraph (j) - communication of hazards, paragraph (k) - housekeeping and paragraph (l) - medical surveillance are extended to July 10, 1995. For Part 1915 - Shipyards, for Sec. 1915.1001, the start-up dates for compliance for paragraph (g) - methods of compliance, for paragraph (h) - respiratory protection, paragraph (j) - hygiene facilities, paragraph (k) - communication of hazards, paragraph (l) housekeeping, paragraph (m) - medical surveillance, and paragraph (o) - competent person are extended to July 10, 1995. For Part 1926 - Construction for Sec. 1926.1101, the start-up dates for compliance for paragraph (g) - methods of compliance, paragraph (h) - respiratory protection, paragraph (j) - hygiene facilities, paragraph (k) - communication of hazards, paragraph (l) - housekeeping, paragraph (m) - medical surveillance and paragraph (o) - competent person are extended to July 10, 1995".