[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 132 (Wednesday, July 12, 2023)]
[Pages 44406-44412]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-14805]
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
[Docket No. OSHA-2013-0012]
Proposed Modification to the List of Appropriate NRTL Program
Test Standards and the Scope of Recognition of Several NRTLs
AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this notice, OSHA proposes to delete test standards from
the Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL) Program's list of
appropriate test standards and modify the scope of recognition of
several NRTLs.
DATES: Submit comments, information, and documents in response to this
notice, or request for an extension of time to make a submission, on or
before August 11, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted as follows:
Electronically: You may submit comments, including attachments,
electronically at: http://www.regulations.gov, the Federal eRulemaking
Portal. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.
OSHA will place comments, including personal information, in the
public docket, which will be available online. Therefore, OSHA cautions
interested parties about submitting personal information such as Social
Security numbers and birthdates.
Instructions: All submissions must include the agency's name and
the docket number for this rulemaking (Docket No. OSHA-2013-0012). All
comments, including any personal information you provide, are placed in
the public docket without change and may be made available online at
https://www.regulations.gov. Therefore, OSHA cautions commenters about
submitting information they do not want made available to the public,
or submitting materials that contain personal information (either about
themselves or others), such as Social Security numbers and birthdates.
Docket: To read or download comments or other material in the
docket, go to http://www.regulations.gov. Documents in the docket
(including this Federal Register notice) are listed in the http://www.regulations.gov index; however, some information (e.g., copyrighted
material) is not publicly available to read or download through the
website. All submissions, including copyrighted material, are available
for inspection through the OSHA Docket Office. Contact the OSHA Docket
Office at (202) 693-2350 (TTY (877) 889-5627) for assistance in
locating docket submissions.
Extension of comment period: Submit requests for an extension of
the comment period on or before August 11, 2023 to the Office of
Technical Programs and Coordination Activities, Directorate of
Technical Support and Emergency Management, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue NW, Room N-3653, Washington, DC 20210.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Information regarding this notice is
available from the following sources:
Press inquiries: Contact Mr. Frank Meilinger, Director, OSHA Office
of Communications, U.S. Department of Labor, telephone: (202) 693-1999;
email: meilinger.francis2@dol.gov.
General and technical information: Contact Mr. Kevin Robinson,
Director, Office of Technical Programs and Coordination Activities,
Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Management, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, telephone:
(202) 693-2110 or email: robinson.kevin@dol.gov.
I. Background
The NRTL Program recognizes organizations that provide product-
safety testing and certification services to manufacturers. These
organizations perform testing and certification for purposes of the
program, to U.S. consensus-based product-safety test standards. The
products covered by the NRTL Program consist of those items for which
OSHA safety standards require ``certification'' by a NRTL. The
requirements affect electrical products and 36 other types of products.
OSHA does not develop or issue these test standards, but generally
relies on standards development organizations (SDOs), which develop and
maintain the standards using a method that provides for input and
consideration of views of industry groups, experts, users,
consumers, governmental authorities, and others having broad experience
in the safety field involved.
A. Deletion and Replacement of Test Standards
The NRTL Program regulations require that appropriate test
standards be maintained and current (29 CFR 1910.7(c)). A test standard
withdrawn by an SDO is no longer considered an appropriate test
standard (CPL 01-00-004, NRTL Program Policies, Procedures and
Guidelines Directive (NRTL Program Directive), Ch. 2.IX.C.1). It is
OSHA's policy to remove recognition of withdrawn test standards by
issuing a correction notice in the Federal Register for all NRTLs
recognized for the withdrawn test standards (Id.). However, SDOs
frequently will designate a replacement standard for withdrawn
standards. OSHA will recognize a NRTL for an appropriate replacement
test standard if the NRTL has the requisite testing and evaluation
capability for the replacement test standard (NRTL Program Directive,
Ch. 2.IX.C.2).
One method that NRTLs may use to show such capability involves an
analysis to determine whether any testing and evaluation requirements
of existing test standards in a NRTL's scope are comparable (i.e., are
completely or substantially identical) to the requirements in the
replacement test standard (NRTL Program Directive, Ch. 2.IX.C.3). If
OSHA's analysis shows the replacement test standard does not require
additional or different technical capability than an existing test
standard(s), and the replacement test standard is comparable to the
existing test standard(s), then OSHA can add the replacement test
standard to affected NRTLs' scope of recognition. If OSHA's analysis
shows the replacement test standard requires an additional or different
technical capability, or the replacement test standard is not
comparable to any existing test standards, each affected NRTL seeking
to have OSHA add the replacement test standard to the NRTL's scope of
recognition must provide information to OSHA that demonstrates
technical capability (NRTL Program Directive, Ch. 2.IX.D).
B. Other Reasons for Removal of Test Standards From the NRTL List of
Appropriate Test Standards
OSHA may choose to remove a test standard from the NRTL list of
appropriate test standards based on an internal review in which NRTL
Program staff review the NRTL list of appropriate test standards to
determine if the test standards conform to the definition of an
appropriate test standard defined in NRTL Program regulations and
policy. There are several reasons for removing a test standard based on
this review. First, a document that provides the methodology for a
single test is a test method rather than an appropriate test standard
(29 CFR 1910.7(c)). A test standard must specify the safety
requirements for a specific type of product(s) (NRTL Program Directive,
Ch. 2.VIII.C.1). A test method, however, is a specified technical
procedure for performing a test. As such, a test method is not an
appropriate test standard. While a NRTL may use a test method to
determine if certain safety requirements are met, a test method is not
itself a safety requirement for a specific product category.
Second, a document that focuses primarily on usage, installation,
or maintenance requirements, and not safety requirements (i.e.,
features, parts, capabilities, usage limitations, or installation
requirements that would create a potential hazard in operating the
equipment if not properly used), would also not be considered an
appropriate test standard (NRTL Program Directive, Ch. 2.VIII.C.1). In
some cases, however, a document may also provide safety test
specifications in addition to usage, installation, and maintenance
requirements. In such cases, the document would be retained as an
appropriate test standard based on the safety test specifications.
Finally, a document may not be considered an appropriate test
standard if the document covers products for which OSHA does not
require testing and certification (NRTL Program Directive, Ch.
2.VIII.C.2). Similarly, a document that covers electrical product
components would not be considered an appropriate test standard. These
documents apply to types of components that have limitation(s) or
condition(s) on their use, which are not appropriate for use as end-use
products. These documents also specify that these types of components
are for use only as part of an end-use product. NRTLs, however,
evaluate such components only in the context of evaluating whether end-
use products requiring NRTL approval are safe for use in the workplace.
Accordingly, as a matter of policy, OSHA considers that documents
covering such components are not appropriate test standards under the
NRTL Program. OSHA notes, however, that it is not proposing to delete
from NRTLs' scope of recognition any test standards covering end-use
products that contain such components.
In addition, OSHA notes that, to conform to a test standard
covering an end-use product, a NRTL must still determine that the
components in the product comply with the components' specific test
standards. In making this determination, NRTLs may (within the confines
of the requirements of Annex B, Section 7.4 G and H of the NRTL Program
Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines, OSHA Instruction CPL 01-00-004
(Oct. 1, 2019) (the NRTL Program Directive, available at https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/enforcement/directives/CPL_01-00-004.pdf)) test the components themselves or accept the testing of a
qualified testing organization that a given component conforms to the
particular test standard. OSHA reviews each NRTL's procedures to
determine which approach the NRTL will use to address components and
reviews the end-use product testing to verify that the NRTL
appropriately addresses that product's components.
II. Proposal To Delete Test Standards From the NRTL Program's List of
Appropriate Test Standards and Incorporate Into the List of Appropriate
Test Standards a Replacement Test Standard for a Withdrawn Test
In this notice, OSHA proposes to delete twenty-six test standards
from the NRTL Program's list of appropriate test standards. OSHA also
proposes to incorporate two replacement standards into the NRTL
Program's list of appropriate test standards.
Table 1 lists the test standards that OSHA proposes to delete from
the NRTL Program's List of Appropriate Test Standards, as well as an
abbreviated rationale for OSHA's proposed action. Additionally, Table 1
lists the replacement test standard that OSHA proposes to incorporate
into the NRTL Program's List of Appropriate Test Standards. OSHA seeks
comment on this preliminary determination.
OSHA notes that Table 1 lists the subject test standards and the
proposed action with regard to each of these test standards without
indicating how the proposed action will affect individual NRTLs.
Section III of this notice discusses how the proposed action will
affect individual NRTLs.
Table 1--Test Standards OSHA Is Proposing To Remove From NRTL Program's List of Appropriate Test Standards
Proposed replacement
Proposed deleted test standard Test standard title Reason for deletion standard
ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012..... Medical Electrical Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-1
Equipment, Part 1: amended by a SDO. Medical Electrical
General Requirements Equipment--Part 1:
for Basic Safety and General Requirements
Essential Performance for Basic Safety and
(with amendments). Essential Performance.
AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012.......... Medical Electrical Standard has been
Equipment, Part 1: amended by a SDO.
General Requirements
for Basic Safety and
Essential Performance
(with amendments).
AAMI ES60601-1....................... Medical Electrical Standard has been
Equipment, Part 1: amended by a SDO.
General Requirements
for Basic Safety and
Essential Performance
(with amendments).
UL 60601-1........................... Medical Electrical Withdrawn.............. None.
Equipment, Part 1:
General Requirements
for Safety.
UL 60730-1A.......................... Automatic Electrical Standard has been UL 60730-1 Automatic
Controls for Household amended by a SDO. Electrical Controls--
and Similar Use; Part Part 1: General
1: General Requirements.
IEEE C37.013......................... AC High-Voltage Withdrawn.............. None.
Generator Circuit
Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current
IEEE C37.46.......................... Power Fuses and Fuse Withdrawn.............. None.
Disconnecting Switches.
IEEE C37.47.......................... Distribution Fuse Withdrawn.............. None.
Switches, Fuse
Supports, and Current-
Limiting Fuses.
ISA 82.02.02......................... Electrical Equipment Withdrawn.............. None.
for Measurement,
Control and Laboratory
NFPA 16.............................. Installation of Foam Withdrawn.............. None.
Water Sprinkler and
Foam-Water Spray
UL 17................................ Vent or Chimney Withdrawn.............. None.
Connector Dampers for
Oil-Fired Appliances.
UL 250............................... Household Refrigerators Withdrawn.............. None.
and Freezers.
UL 474............................... Dehumidifiers.......... Withdrawn.............. None.
UL 664............................... Commercial (Class IV) Withdrawn.............. None.
Electric Dry-Cleaning
UL 745-2-5........................... Particular Requirements Withdrawn.............. None.
for Circular Saws and
Circular Knives.
UL 745-2-14.......................... Particular Requirements Withdrawn.............. None.
for Planers.
UL 745-2-35.......................... Particular Requirements Withdrawn.............. None.
for Drain Cleaners.
UL 873............................... Electrical Temperature- Withdrawn.............. None.
Indicating and-
Regulating Equipment.
UL 984............................... Hermetic Refrigerant Withdrawn.............. None.
UL 1028.............................. Electric Hair-Clipping Withdrawn.............. None.
and -Shaving
UL 1054.............................. Special-Use Switches... Withdrawn.............. None.
UL 1626.............................. Residential Sprinklers Withdrawn.............. None.
for Fire Protection
UL 1662.............................. Electric Chain Saws.... Withdrawn.............. None.
UL 1767.............................. Early-Suppression Fast- Withdrawn.............. None.
Response Sprinklers.
UL 65................................ Electric Wired Cabinets Withdrawn.............. None.
UL 508C.............................. Power Conversion Withdrawn.............. None.
III. Proposed Modifications to Affected NRTLs' Scope of Recognition
In this notice, OSHA additionally proposes to remove test standards
(i.e., those listed in Table 1, above) from the scopes of recognition
of several NRTLs and to add to the scopes of recognition of some of
these NRTLs replacement test standards, as applicable. The tables in
this section (Table 2 through Table 16) list, for each affected NRTL,
the test standard(s) that OSHA proposes to remove from the scope of
recognition of the NRTL, along with the proposed replacement test
standard(s) (as applicable).
Table 2--Test Standard OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope of
Recognition of Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
Table 3--Test Standard OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope of
Recognition of CSA Group Testing & Certification Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
AAMI ES 60601-1:2005/(R)2012.... Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 60730-1A..................... Standard has been UL 60730-1
amended by a SDO. Automatic
Controls--Part 1:
IEEE C37.013.................... Withdrawn......... None.
IEEE C37.46..................... Withdrawn......... None.
IEEE C37.47..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 65........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 474.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 508C......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 664.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-14..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-35..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 873.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 984.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1028......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1054......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1662......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 4--Test Standard OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope
Recognition of DEKRA Certification Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
AAMI 60601-1.................... Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
Table 5--Test Standards OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope of
Recognition of Eurofins Electrical and Electronic Testing NA, Inc. a/k/a
MET Laboratories, Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 65........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 474.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 508C......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 664.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-5...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-14..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-35..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1028......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1054......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1662......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 6--Test Standard OSHA Proposes To Remove From the Scope of
Recognition of FM Approvals
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ISA 82.02.02.................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 664.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 7--Test Standards OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope of
Recognition of Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 60730-1A..................... Standard has been UL 60730-1
amended by a SDO. Automatic
Controls--Part 1:
IEEE C37.013.................... Withdrawn......... None.
IEEE C37.46..................... Withdrawn......... None.
ISA 82.02.02.................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 17........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 65........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 474.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 508C......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 664.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-14..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-35..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 873.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 984.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1028......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1054......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1662......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 8--Test Standards OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope of
Recognition of Nemko North America, Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 9--Test Standards OSHA Proposes To Remove From the Scope of
Recognition of NSF International
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
UL 65........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 873.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 10--Test Standard OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope of
Recognition of QAI Laboratories, LTD
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
AAMI ES60601-1.................. Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
Table 11--Test Standard OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope of
Recognition of QPS Evaluation Services, Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-1: 2005/ Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
(R)2012. amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 12--Test Standard OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope of
Recognition of SGS North America, Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 65........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 474.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1028......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 13--Test Standards OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope
of Recognition of TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012..... Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 60730-1A..................... Standard has been UL 60730-1
amended by a SDO. Automatic
Controls--Part 1:
UL 65........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 474.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 508C......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 664.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-14..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-35..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 984.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1028......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1054......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1662......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 14--Test Standards OSHA Proposes To Remove From the Scope of
Recognition of T[Uuml]V S[Uuml]D America, Inc.
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 60730-1A..................... Standard has been UL 60730-1
amended by a SDO. Automatic
Controls--Part 1:
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 474.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 508c......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-14..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-35..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 873.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 984.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1028......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1662......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 15--Test Standards OSHA Proposes To Remove From the Scope of
Recognition of T[Uuml]V S[Uuml]D Product Services GmbH
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 60730-1A..................... Standard has been UL 60730-1
amended by a SDO. Automatic
Controls--Part 1:
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 474.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-14..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-35..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 873.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
Table 16--Test Standards OSHA Proposes To Remove From/Add to the Scope
of Recognition of UL LLC
Proposed test standard to be Reason for replacement test
removed proposed removal standard(s) (if
ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 Standard has been ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-
amended by a SDO. 1 Medical
1: General
Requirements for
Basic Safety and
UL 60601-1...................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 60730-1A..................... Standard has been None.
amended by a SDO.
IEEE C37.013.................... Withdrawn......... None.
IEEE C37.46..................... Withdrawn......... None.
IEEE C37.47..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 17........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 65........................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 250.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 474.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 508C......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 664.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-14..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 745-2-35..................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 873.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 984.......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1028......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1054......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1626......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1662......................... Withdrawn......... None.
UL 1767......................... Withdrawn......... None.
IV. Public Participation
OSHA welcomes public comment on whether the proposed deletions and
replacements are appropriate, and whether individual tables omit any
appropriate replacement test standard that is comparable to a withdrawn
test standard. If OSHA determines that it omitted any appropriate
replacement test standard that is comparable to a withdrawn test
standard, it will, in the final determination, incorporate that
replacement test standard into the scope of recognition of each
affected NRTL.
Comments should consist of pertinent written documents and
exhibits. Commenters needing more time to comment must submit a request
in writing, stating the reasons for the request, by the due date for
comments. OSHA will limit any extension to 10 days unless the requester
justifies a longer time period. OSHA may deny a request for an
extension if it is not adequately justified.
To review copies of comments submitted to the docket, contact the
Docket Office, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S.
Department of Labor. These materials also are generally available
online at https://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. OSHA-2013-0012.
For further information, including information on how to contact the
Docket Office, see the ``Docket'' heading in the section of this notice
OSHA staff will review all comments to the docket submitted in a
timely manner and, after addressing the issues raised by these
comments, will make a recommendation to the Assistant Secretary for
Occupational Safety and Health regarding the removal of recognition of
these test standards from the NRTL Program's List of Appropriate Test
Standards and to update the scope of recognition of several NRTLs. The
Assistant Secretary will make the final decision. In making this
decision, the Assistant Secretary may undertake other proceedings
prescribed in Appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.7.
OSHA will publish a public notice of this final decision in the
Federal Register.
V. Authority and Signature
James S. Frederick, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health, authorized the preparation of this
notice. Accordingly, the agency is issuing this notice pursuant to 29
U.S.C. 657(g)(2), Secretary of Labor's Order No. 8-2020 (85 FR 58393,
Sept. 18, 2020), and 29 CFR 1910.7.
Signed at Washington, DC, on July 6, 2023.
James S. Frederick,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2023-14805 Filed 7-11-23; 8:45 am]