# Federal Register
1 - 1910.1020(e) - 89:44144-44461 - Hazard Communication Standard; Final Rule - PDF
2 - 1910.1020(e) - 89:19602-19604 - Occupational Exposure to Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds Standard in the Construction Industry; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
3 - 1910.1020(e) - 89:17882-17885 - Occupational Exposure to Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds in General Industry; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
4 - 1910.1020(e) - 89:17880-17882 - Occupational Exposure to Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds in the Shipyard Sector; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
5 - 1910.1020(e) - 86:40083-40085 - Beryllium Standards for General Industry; Extension for the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of the Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
6 - 1910.1020(e) - 85:5996-5998 - Beryllium Standards for General Industry, Construction and Maritime; Extension for the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of the Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.1020(e) - Recordkeeping and maintenance of respirator medical evaluations
2 - 1910.1020(e) - Employers must provide exposed employees access to their medical and exposure records.
3 - 1910.1020(e) - 1910.1020 requirements regarding employee drug testing results.
4 - 1910.1020(e) - OSHA access to personally identifiable medical records (HIV test results).
5 - 1910.1020(e) - Maintaining MSDSs on a computer data base.
6 - 1910.1020(e) - Interpretation of "employee exposure record".
7 - 1910.1020(e) - Employee examination of the original x-ray in lieu of providing a copy is permitted.
# Regulations
1 - - Access to employee exposure and medical records.