# Regulations
1 Bloodborne pathogens.
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv), 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv)(A), 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv)(B) - Clarification of the use and selection of BBP safety devices.
2 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv) - The use of safety-engineered devices and work practice controls in operating rooms; hospital responsibility to protect independent practitioners under BBP standard.
3 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv) - Employer's obligation to assure the accuracy of the sharps injury log.
4 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv) - Use of passing trays and single-handed scalpel blade remover in a surgical setting.
5 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv), 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv)(B) - Limiting factors for implementing the use of engineering controls, i.e., safety scalpels, under the Bloodborne Pathogens standard.
6 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv) - Clarification from OSHA regarding the use of the NeedleguardTM in a hospital environment.
7 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv), 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv)(A), 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv)(B) - Bloodborne Pathogens Standard application to small healthcare facilities and the annual review of the Exposure Control Plan.
8 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv), 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv)(A), 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv)(B) - Employer's responsibility to re-evaluate engineering controls, i.e., safer needle devices, at least annually.
9 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv) - Engineering control requirements for allergy and immunization injections.
10 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv) - Needle destruction device use as an engineering control for the Bloodbore Pathogens standard.
11 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv) - Response to the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act.
12 - 1910.1030(c)(1)(iv) - Use of engineering and work practice controls during pouring of blood or OPIM.