# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.243 - Requirement for neck protection when using power saws.
2 - 1910.243 - A clarification of the definition of an outer flange on an abrasive wheel.
3 - 1910.243 - Use of "Light Duty" Pneumatic Tackers (Staplers) Without Pressure Release Levers.
4 - 1910.243 - Pneumatically operated staplers.
# Regulations
1 - 1910.243 - Guarding of portable powered tools.
# Federal Register
1 - 1910.243 - 50:4648-49 - Portable Powered Tools
2 - 1910.243 - 49:5318 - Portable Powered Tools
3 - 1910.243 - 49:5318 - Revocation of Advisory and Repetitive Standards
4 - 1910.243 - 47:23481 - Portable Powered Tools
5 - 1910.243 - 45:41634 - Diving
6 - 1910.243 - 38:14371 - Portable Powered Tools