# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.252(b)(3) - Clarification of OSHA's position on FR Clothing for welders.
2 - 1910.252, 1910.252(b)(3) - Clarification of OSHA's position on FR Clothing for welders.
3 - 1910.252(c) - Correct placement of air sampling cassettes on employees performing welding operations.
4 - 1910.252(a)(2)(xiii)(C) - Training and competency for oxygen-fuel gas welding equipment use
5 - 1910.252 - Welder electrical safety training
6 - 1910.252(c)(10) - Introduction of electrical welding equipment into a non-permit confined space.
7 - 1910.252(c)(9) - Introduction of electrical welding equipment into a non-permit confined space.
8 - 1910.252(c)(4) - Introduction of electrical welding equipment into a non-permit confined space.
9 - 1910.252(b)(4)(vii) - Introduction of electrical welding equipment into a non-permit confined space.
10 - 1910.252(b)(4)(i) - Introduction of electrical welding equipment into a non-permit confined space.
11 - 1910.252(a)(4)(i) - Introduction of electrical welding equipment into a non-permit confined space.
12 - 1910.252, 1910.252(a)(4)(i), 1910.252(b)(4)(i), 1910.252(b)(4)(vii), 1910.252(c)(4), 1910.252(c)(9), 1910.252(c)(10) - Introduction of electrical welding equipment into a non-permit confined space.
13 - 1910.252 - Permit-required confined spaces and control of hazardous energy; vehicle LOTO.
14 - 1910.252(c) - Sampling for lead welding fumes.
15 - 1910.252(c) - Enforcement of ventilation requirements for welding operations.
16 - 1910.252 - Conflict between requirements of 1910.252 and 1910.146
17 - 1910.252 - Spray painting relating to vehicle maintenance operations.
18 - 1910.252 - Interpretation of Standards.
19 - 1910.252(b)(2)(ii)(I) - Evaluation of Bilsom "VISION" welding helmet in meeting OSHA standards.
20 - 1910.252(b)(2) - Evaluation of Bilsom "VISION" welding helmet in meeting OSHA standards.
21 - 1910.252 - Wodelic Electronic Welding Helmet
22 - 1910.252 - The Hornell Elektrooptick welding helmet appears to meet the intent of the OSHA standards.
23 - 1910.252(b)(2)(ii) - Cool-view welding helmets must meet Grade D breathing air requirements; Requirements for standard welding helmets.
24 - 1910.252 - Valve protection for compressed gas cylinders
25 - 1910.252 - Transparent Welding Curtains and the Requirements.