# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.269(l)(3)(iii) - Minimum approach distance (MAD)
2 - 1910.269(l)(3) - Minimum approach distance (MAD) requirements covered under 1910.269 when installing protective grounding equipment
3 - 1910.269(l)(3) - Enforcement of minimum approach distance requirements in 29 CFR 1910.269 and 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart V
4 - 1910.269(l)(3) - Minimum approach distances to electric power transmission and distribution lines during the installation of protective grounds
5 - 1910.269(l)(3) - Use of live-line tools and exemption to the requirement for at least two employees to be present during work on an energized part.
6 - 1910.269(l)(3)(ii) - Conditions allowing the use of insulating gloves without the use of insulating sleeves when working on or near exposed energized parts.
7 - 1910.269(l)(3)(i) - Conditions allowing the use of insulating gloves without the use of insulating sleeves when working on or near exposed energized parts.
8 - 1910.269(l)(3), 1910.269(l)(3)(i), 1910.269(l)(3)(ii) - Conditions allowing the use of insulating gloves without the use of insulating sleeves when working on or near exposed energized parts.
9 - 1910.269(l)(3) - Conditions rendering underground electrical power connections as unsafe to touch with bare hands.
10 - 1910.269(l)(3) - Determining voltage ratings for electrical insulating equipment used during electrical power distribution and transmission work.
11 - 1910.269(l)(3) - Exceptions to minimum approach distances for power generation, transmission and distribution
12 - 1910.269(l)(3) - Appropriate safety practices for the removal of electrical meters.