# Federal Register
1 - 1926 Subpart L - 76:78698-78701 - Proposed Revocation of Permanent Variances - PDF
2 - 1926 Subpart L - 62:18799-18801 - Susan Harwood Training Grant Program - PDF
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1926 Subpart L - Whether catch platforms (used to catch an employee in the event of a fall from a working surface above) must comply with OSHA's scaffold standard, Subpart L.
2 - 1926 Subpart L - Are podium ladders covered under 29 CFR 1926 Subpart X or Subpart L?
3 - 1926 Subpart L - "Scaffolds"
4 - 1926 Subpart L - Requirements for being designated a competent person under Part 1926 Subpart L (Scaffolds).
5 - 1926 Subpart L - Applicability of Subpart L and Subpart X to stair towers used for access to multistory buildings.
6 - 1926 Subpart L - Exclusive use of videotape training for construction workers.
7 - 1926 Subpart L - The applicability of Subpart M to equipment covered by ANSI A92, and an interpretation with regard to suspended cages and work platforms on forklift trucks.
8 - 1926 Subpart L - Manually operated winch and tripod system used for raising, lowering and supporting employees.
9 - 1926 Subpart L - Demolition regulations do apply to the removal of ceilings and interior non-load bearing walls and partitions
10 - 1926 Subpart L - Pump jack scaffold bracing.
# Regulations
1 - 1926 Subpart L - Scaffolds
# Settlement Agreement
1 - - Corporate-Wide Settlement Agreement - Thomas Industrial Coatings, Inc. - 03/15/2012