# Federal Register
1 - 1926 Subpart V - 85:65428-65429 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Standards for Construction and General Industry and Electrical Protective Equipment for Construction and Gen - PDF
2 - 1926 Subpart V - 85:38391-38393 - Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Standards for Construction and General Industry and Electrical Protective Equipment Standards for Construction and General Industry; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Appr - PDF
3 - 1926 Subpart V - 79:65253-65255 - Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH) - PDF
4 - 1926 Subpart V - 79:56955-56962 - Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution; Electrical Protective Equipment; Corrections - PDF
5 - 1926 Subpart V - 78:71666-71667 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Cranes and Derricks in Construction Standard - PDF
6 - 1926 Subpart V - 78:56742-56743 - Revision of Approved Information Collection [Paperwork] Requirements for Office of Management and Budget [OMB] Approval; Cranes and Derricks in Construction - PDF
7 - 1926 Subpart V - 37:24880 - General Requirements
# Regulations
1 - 1926 Subpart V - Electric Power Transmission and Distribution
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1926 Subpart V, 1926 Subpart V App E - Heat energy estimates for arc-rated protective clothing and faceshields for open-air work on multi-phase overhead power lines.
2 - 1926 Subpart V - Minimum approach distances to electric power transmission and distribution lines during the installation of protective grounds
3 - 1926 Subpart V, 1926 Subpart V App E - Requirements for protective clothing and equipment in the Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Standard.
4 - 1926 Subpart V - Hooking and Unhooking Loads with a Helicopter During Work on Electric Transmission Systems
# Settlement Agreement
1 - - Industry Settlement Agreement - Edison Electric Institute - 02/13/2015
2 - - Industry Settlement Agreement - Edison Electric Institute - 08/22/2011