# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1926.454, 1926.454(a) - Revised response regarding the storage of materials on a scaffold for more than one shift's work
2 - 1926.454 - Planking, safety line, and personal fall arrest system requirements for tank builder's scaffolding.
3 - 1926.454 - Exemptions for installation of guardrails on wall (interior) side.
4 - 1926.454 - Applicable standards to lifting personnel on a platform supported by a rough-terrain forklift.
5 - 1926.454 - Acceptability of climbing over or through guardrails on scaffolds used in construction.
6 - 1926.454 - Requirements applicable to the design, inspection, and testing of imported scaffolding.
7 - 1926.454 - Evaluation of a single-person, manually propelled, mobile work platform.
8 - 1926.454, 1926.454(c) - Fall protection, training, inspection and design requirements of aerial lifts and scissor lifts/scaffolds.
9 - 1926.454 - Training qualifications for the competent person inspecting scaffolds.
10 - 1926.454 - A letter of determination of the new scaffold mandate.
# Regulations
1 - 1926.454 - Training requirements.
# Federal Register
1 - 1926.454 - 64:184-186 - Washington State Standards; Notice of Approval. - PDF
# Directives
1 - 1926.454 - National - CPL 02-01-023 [CPL 2-1.23] - Inspection Procedures for Enforcing Subpart L, Scaffolds Used in Construction - 29 CFR 1926.450-454