# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements applicable during the construction of retaining walls
2 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection for workers having to walk/work along bridge decks when the edges are finished with a 32 in. high barrier wall.
3 - 1926.501(b)(6) - Acceptability of using a ramp to unload parts from a semi-trailer.
4 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Clarification on the use of safety monitors as a method of fall protection on a low-slope roof.
5 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Residential Contruction; 1926.501(b)(3), fall protection or metal stud walls around stairwells.
6 - 1926.501(b)(2)(i) - Clarification on controlled access zones for leading edge work.
7 - 1926.501(b), 1926.501(b)(2)(i) - Clarification on controlled access zones for leading edge work.
8 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements for employees working on an elevator car frame.
9 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements for employees on construction equipment.
10 - 1926.501(b)(4)(i) - Whether certain skylights meet the cover criteria of 1926 Subpart M.
11 - 1926.501(b)(4) - Whether certain skylights meet the cover criteria of 1926 Subpart M.
12 - 1926.501(b)(4) - When protective measures must be installed after a hole is created on a construction worksite.
13 - 1926.501(b)(14) - Scaffolding/shoring
14 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Scaffolding/shoring
15 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Whether under STD 03-00-001 an employee, in absence of interior walls is permitted to climb the lower chords of the roof trusses to brace them.
16 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Use of a warning line instead of conventional fall protection; Part 1926 Subpart M
17 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Use of a warning line instead of conventional fall protection; Part 1926 Subpart M
18 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Use of a warning line instead of conventional fall protection; Part 1926 Subpart M
19 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Residential fall protection: safety monitors; walking top plate of braced walls in installation; warning line; plating exterior walls; height limitation; non-roofer PPE; slide guards
20 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Residential fall protection: safety monitors; walking top plate of braced walls in installation; warning line; plating exterior walls; height limitation; non-roofer PPE; slide guards
21 - 1926.501(b)(4)(iii) - Duty of a subcontractor to cover floor holes in a Multi-Employer work site.
22 - 1926.501(b)(4)(ii) - Duty of a subcontractor to cover floor holes in a Multi-Employer work site.
23 - 1926.501(b)(4)(i) - Duty of a subcontractor to cover floor holes in a Multi-Employer work site.
24 - 1926.501(b)(4) - Duty of a subcontractor to cover floor holes in a Multi-Employer work site.
25 - 1926.501(b)(4)(ii) - Clarification if a depression constitutes a hole or unprotected side/edge and associated fall protection requirements.
26 - 1926.501(b)(4)(i) - Clarification if a depression constitutes a hole or unprotected side/edge and associated fall protection requirements.
27 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Clarification if a depression constitutes a hole or unprotected side/edge and associated fall protection requirements.
28 - 1926.501(b)(11) - The construction fall protection standard specifies fall arrest system requirements, but no footwear requirements.
29 - 1926.501(b)(12) - Alternative fall protection for leading edge work during precast concrete erection.
30 - 1926.501(b), 1926.501(b)(12) - Alternative fall protection for leading edge work during precast concrete erection.
31 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Fall protection during roofing inspections, investigations, and assessments
32 - 1926.501(b)(7)(ii) - Use of personal fall arrest systems at the edge of a well, pit, shaft, or similar excavation.
33 - 1926.501(b)(4) - Fall protection and controlled access zones for overhand bricklaying
34 - 1926.501(b)(9) - Fall protection and controlled access zones for overhand bricklaying
35 - 1926.501(b)(13) - The predominant use of structural steel would not be considered "residential construction"
36 - 1926.501(b)(4)(ii) - Fall protection requirements for stairwells and mechanical chase openings surrounded by interior stud walls in residential construction
37 - 1926.501(b)(4)(i) - Fall protection requirements for stairwells and mechanical chase openings surrounded by interior stud walls in residential construction
38 - 1926.501(b)(14) - Fall protection requirements for stairwells and mechanical chase openings surrounded by interior stud walls in residential construction
39 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Clarification on several issues regarding OSHA's construction industry standards for fall protection
40 - 1926.501(b)(12) - Clarification on several issues regarding OSHA's construction industry standards for fall protection
41 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Clarification on several issues regarding OSHA's construction industry standards for fall protection
42 - 1926.501(b), 1926.501(b)(2), 1926.501(b)(12), 1926.501(b)(13) - Clarification on several issues regarding OSHA's construction industry standards for fall protection
43 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Clarification of several residential construction and fall protection issues.
44 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Clarification of several residential construction and fall protection issues.
45 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Fall protection requirements for construction workers doing work while on a roof
46 - 1926.501(b)(12) - Fall protection requirements for construction workers doing work while on a roof
47 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Fall protection requirements for construction workers doing work while on a roof
48 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Fall protection requirements for construction workers doing work while on a roof
49 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements for construction workers doing work while on a roof
50 - 1926.501(b)(14) - Evaluation of Fiber-Lam "Super Brace" compliance with construction fall protection requirements for guarding structural openings.
51 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Compliance of using warning lines and/or control access zones for fall protection on roofs with a slope greater than 4:12.
52 - 1926.501(b)(12) - Compliance of using warning lines and/or control access zones for fall protection on roofs with a slope greater than 4:12.
53 - 1926.501(b)(9) - Compliance of using warning lines and/or control access zones for fall protection on roofs with a slope greater than 4:12.
54 - 1926.501(b)(11) - Compliance of using warning lines and/or control access zones for fall protection on roofs with a slope greater than 4:12.
55 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Compliance of using warning lines and/or control access zones for fall protection on roofs with a slope greater than 4:12.
56 - 1926.501(b) - Enforcement of Subpart M "Fall Protection"
57 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Requirements for fall protection when ladder jack scaffolds are used for residential and commercial construction
58 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Requirements for fall protection when ladder jack scaffolds are used for residential and commercial construction
59 - 1926.501(b)(12) - Requirements for fall protection when ladder jack scaffolds are used for residential and commercial construction
60 - 1926.501(b), 1926.501(b)(12), 1926.501(b)(13), 1926.501(b)(2) - Requirements for fall protection when ladder jack scaffolds are used for residential and commercial construction
61 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements for an employee working from a ladder on a walking/working surface other than the ground.
62 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Fall protection requirements for employees, other than roofers, working on low-slope roofs
63 - 1926.501(b)(12) - Fall protection requirements for employees, other than roofers, working on low-slope roofs
64 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Fall protection requirements for employees, other than roofers, working on low-slope roofs
65 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Fall protection requirements for employees, other than roofers, working on low-slope roofs
66 - 1926.501(b), 1926.501(b)(10), 1926.501(b)(2), 1926.501(b)(12), 1926.501(b)(13) - Fall protection requirements for employees, other than roofers, working on low-slope roofs
67 - 1926.501(b)(9) - Clarification concerning fall protection and vertical walled trenches with depth of 6 feet or greater and use of controlled access zones.
68 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Clarification concerning fall protection and vertical walled trenches with depth of 6 feet or greater and use of controlled access zones.
69 - 1926.501(b)(7)(ii) - Clarification concerning fall protection and vertical walled trenches with depth of 6 feet or greater and use of controlled access zones.
70 - 1926.501(b)(7)(i) - Clarification concerning fall protection and vertical walled trenches with depth of 6 feet or greater and use of controlled access zones.
71 - 1926.501(b)(7) - Clarification concerning fall protection and vertical walled trenches with depth of 6 feet or greater and use of controlled access zones.
72 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements for both residential and commercial HVAC systems; clarification of confined spaces
73 - 1926.501(b), 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements for both residential and commercial HVAC systems; clarification of confined spaces
74 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Use of aerial lifts to transport workers to elevated workstations; scissor lifts are not covered by the aerial lift provisions.
75 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Fall protection requirements for workers engaged in "roof blocking."
76 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Fall protection requirements for workers engaged in "roof blocking."
77 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements for workers engaged in "roof blocking."
78 - 1926.501(b)(1), 1926.501(b)(13), 1926.501(b), 1926.501(b)(10) - Fall protection requirements for workers engaged in "roof blocking."
79 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Requirements of Interim Fall Protection Compliance Guidelines for Residential Construction for guardrails and fall protection during roofing work.
80 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Fall protection: determination of roof width on irregular shaped roofs.
81 - 1926.501(b)(5) - Employees engaged in formwork over 6 feet high must have fall protection.
82 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Employees engaged in formwork over 6 feet high must have fall protection.
83 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Employees engaged in formwork over 6 feet high must have fall protection.
84 - 1926.501(b)(4) - Clarification of the terms "hole" versus "unprotected sides or edges."
85 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Clarification of the terms "hole" versus "unprotected sides or edges."
86 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Acceptable use of warning lines as fall protection for roofers and other trades.
87 - 1926.501(b)(12) - Acceptable use of warning lines as fall protection for roofers and other trades.
88 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Acceptable use of warning lines as fall protection for roofers and other trades.
89 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Acceptable use of warning lines as fall protection for roofers and other trades.
90 - 1926.501(b)(2) - Fall protection non-conforming guardrail criteria for application of a de minimis policy.
91 - 1926.501(b)(10) - Fall protection non-conforming guardrail criteria for application of a de minimis policy.
92 - 1926.501(b)(4)(iii) - Fall protection non-conforming guardrail criteria for application of a de minimis policy.
93 - 1926.501(b)(4)(ii) - Fall protection non-conforming guardrail criteria for application of a de minimis policy.
94 - 1926.501(b)(4)(i) - Fall protection non-conforming guardrail criteria for application of a de minimis policy.
95 - 1926.501(b)(2)(ii) - Fall protection non-conforming guardrail criteria for application of a de minimis policy.
96 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection, lifejacket, and lifesaving requirements when working over or near water.
97 - 1926.501(b)(4)(ii) - Clarification of fall protection requirements for open holes on a construction site.
98 - 1926.501(b)(15) - Fall protection for exposure to unfilled swimming pools.
99 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Fall protection for exposure to unfilled swimming pools.
100 - 1926.501(b)(1) - Fall protection for exposure to unfilled swimming pools.
101 - 1926.501(b)(7)(i) - The requirements for fall protection around residential basement foundation excavations deeper than six feet.
102 - 1926.501(b) - Fall Protection Plans - Enforcement Policy [for Precast Erection].
103 - 1926.501(b)(5) - Fall protection during the construction of rebar assemblies.
104 - 1926.501(b) - Applicability of fall protection requirements/fall protection for waste collection and landfill activities.
105 - 1926.501(b)(11) - The impact on the roofing industry of the OSHA's newly revised fall protection standard.
106 - 1926.501(b)(10) - The impact on the roofing industry of the OSHA's newly revised fall protection standard.
107 - 1926.501(b)(11) - The impact on the roofing industry from OSHA's fall protection standard.
108 - 1926.501(b)(10) - The impact on the roofing industry from OSHA's fall protection standard.
109 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Fall Protection at residential construction sites.
110 - 1926.501(b)(4) - Hatch Net 120 fall protection system
111 - 1926.501(b)(13) - Housing Construction Operations.