# Regulations
1 - 1926.703 - Requirements for cast-in-place concrete.
# Federal Register
1 - 1926.703 - 64:18809-18810 - Office of Management and Budget Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act for Miscellaneous Construction Industry Rules. - PDF
2 - 1926.703 - 63:33712-33713 - Concrete and Masonry Construction. - PDF
3 - 1926.703 - 53:22612-46 - Concrete and Masonry Construction
4 - 1926.703 - 53:20385-6 - Concrete and Masonry Construction; OMB Information Collection
5 - 1926.703 - 51:17203 - Concrete and Masonry Construction
6 - 1926.703 - 51:11945-47 - Concrete and Masonry Construction
7 - 1926.703 - 50:42571-2 - Concrete and Masonry Construction
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1926.703 - Lift-slab Bridge Construction
2 - 1926.703 - No. 9 wire is not adequate to support large walls, columns or piers.