# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1926.754(c)(1) - Clarification regarding shop installed continuous bent plate in steel erection
2 - 1926.754(b)(3) - Enforcement of Steel Erection Subpart R.
3 - 1926.754, 1926.754(b)(3) - Enforcement of Steel Erection Subpart R.
4 - 1926.754(e)(3)(iv) - Whether certain skylights meet the cover criteria of 1926 Subpart M.
5 - 1926.754(e)(3)(i) - Whether certain skylights meet the cover criteria of 1926 Subpart M.
6 - 1926.754, 1926.754(c)(1)(i) - Compliance of shop-installed steel angle or bent plates running along the length of the top flange of a perimeter beam.
7 - 1926.754(c)(1) - Evaluation of shop-installed angle iron on the top beam flange in Steel Erection.
8 - 1926.754(c)(1) - "Threaded studs" are prohibited from being installed prior to decking when they project.
9 - 1926.754(c)(1) - Sheer connector requirements in the steel erection standard to bridge repair/rehabilitation.
10 - 1926.754, 1926.754(c)(1) - Sheer connector requirements in the steel erection standard to bridge repair/rehabilitation.
11 - 1926.754(e)(3)(i) - Compliance of Purlin Glide to OSHA steel erection standards.
12 - 1926.754(c)(1) - Bridge construction will not be exempted from the sheer connector requirements of 1926.754(c)(1).
13 - 1926.754, 1926.754(c)(1) - Bridge construction will not be exempted from the sheer connector requirements of 1926.754(c)(1).
14 - 1926.754 - Decision to release the new compliance directive for the steel erection standard in draft form.
15 - 1926.754 - History and background of the Steel Erection Final Rule.