# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1975.1 - OSHA jurisdiction over oil and gas pipelines may be preempted by DOT standards.
2 - 1975.1 - OSHA does not have jurisdiction over aircraft crews.
3 - 1975.1 - Concern over the quality of care given to patients by dentists.
4 - 1975.1 - Applicability of OSHA's PRCS standard to gas industry.
5 - 1975.1 - Transportation of hazardous waste.
6 - 1975.1 - Federal Highway Administration Contract Language (Inspection-Right of Entry).
7 - 1975.1 - Application of Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals to the manufacture of explosives and pyrotechnics.
8 - 1975.1 - DOT has jurisdiction of the trucking industry
9 - 1975.1 - Motor vehicle accidents are not within OSHA's jurisdiction
10 - 1975.1 - Enforcement jurisdiction at IMC Fertilizer, Inc.
11 - 1975.1 - Ability to reconcile the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's meatpacking guidelines.
12 - 1975.1 - Concern for seasonal employees who are exposed in the fields to pesticides which are harmful to their health.
13 - 1975.1 - The working environment of railroad train operating employees.
14 - 1975.1 - Oregon Interagency Migrant Labor Camp Enforcement Agreement
15 - 1975.1 - Jurisdiction over tanks of malodorant gas.
16 - 1975.1 - Inspection conducted by OSHA at the Greater Pittsburg Internation Airport. FAA Jurisdiction
17 - 1975.1 - Driver training and seat belt use.
18 - 1975.1 - Limitation on Enforcement of Certain Subsections of the Excavation Standard.
19 - 1975.1 - Jurisdiction over Tank Car Drivers and Helpers.
20 - 1975.1 - Jurisdiction and health risks for airport baggage x-ray scanning units and walk-through metal detectors.
21 - 1975.1 - Classifying self-elevating lift boats and enforcement responsibility.
22 - 1975.1 - Noise standards applicable to Metra are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Railroad Administration.