Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
- 1921 - Table of Contents
- 1921 Subpart A - Applicability of Rules; Definitions
- 1921.1 - Applicability of rules.
- 1921.2 - Definitions.
- 1921 Subpart B - Prehearing Procedures
- 1921.3 - Complaints.
- 1921.4 - Answer.
- 1921.5 - Motions and requests.
- 1921.6 - Intervention.
- 1921.7 - Stipulations of compliance.
- 1921.8 - Consent findings and order.
- 1921.9 - Prehearing conferences.
- 1921 Subpart C - Hearing and Related Matters
- 1921.10 - Appearances.
- 1921.11 - Postponement or change of place of hearing.
- 1921.12 - Hearing.
- 1921 Subpart D - Decision and Order
- 1921.13 - Decision of the hearing examiner.
- 1921.14 - Exceptions.
- 1921.15 - Transmittal of record.
- 1921.16 - Decision and order of the Director.
- 1921 Subpart E - Miscellaneous
- 1921.17 - Service; copies of documents and pleadings.
- 1921.18 - Witnesses and fees.
- 1921.19 - Depositions.
- 1921.20 - Subpoenas.
- 1921.21 - Hearing examiners.
- 1921.22 - Computation of time.