- Part Number:1960
- Part Number Title:Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health Programs and Related Matters
- Subpart:1960 Subpart K
- Subpart Title:Field Federal Safety and Health Councils
- Standard Number:
- Title:Organization.
- GPO Source:
Field council officers shall include, as a minimum, a chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary. Officers shall be elected for a one or two-year term on a calendar year basis by a majority vote of the designated representatives. Election of officers shall be held at least 60 days before the beginning of a calendar year. The election may be conducted at a regularly scheduled meeting or by letter ballot.
In addition to the Executive Committee, each council shall have either a membership committee, a program committee and a finance committee, or a council official designated responsibility in these areas. Additional committees may be appointed by the chairperson for specific purposes as warranted.