- Standard Number:

OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards and regulations. Our interpretation letters explain these requirements and how they apply to particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional employer obligations. This letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at https://www.osha.gov.
April 5, 1988
MEMORANDUM FOR: | Regional Administrators |
THROUGH: | Leo J. Carey, Director |
Office of Field Programs | |
FROM: | Thomas J. Shepich, Director |
Directorate of Compliance Programs | |
SUBJECT: | Approved Courses for Competent Person Training |
Under the Asbestos Construction Standard, 29 CFR | |
1926.58 |
The asbestos standard for the construction industry in paragraph 29 CFR 1926.58(e)(6), requires the employer to designate a competent person to supervise the negative pressure enclosure which is mandated for asbestos removal, demolition and renovation operations. The competent person is required to be trained in all aspects of asbestos abatement. This training is required to be obtained in a comprehensive course, such as an EPA Asbestos Training Center course, or an equivalent course.
Under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA), the EPA has established procedures for the accreditation of asbestos training courses. As a result, OSHA has defined "an equivalent course" as an asbestos abatement Contractor/Supervisor course which has been accredited by the EPA or by a state with an approved Contractor Accreditation Program in accordance with 49 CFR Part 763.
Enclosed for your information is the EPA's most recent publication which lists the approved courses. If you have any questions regarding this matter, contact Joseph Hopkins of my staff at FTS 523-8036.
Federal Register/Vol. 53, No. 27/Wednesday, February 10, 1988/Notices Pages 3981-3989.
Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools; EPA-Approved Courses Under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ACTION: Notice
SUMMARY: In section 206(c)(3) of Title II, the Administrator, in consultation with affected organizations, was directed to publish (and revise as necessary) a list of asbestos courses and test in effect before the date of enactment of this title which qualify for equivalency treatment for interim accreditation purposes, and a list of asbestos courses and tests which the Administrator determines are consistent with the Model Plan and which will qualify a contractor for accreditation. This Federal Register notice includes the cumulative second list of course approvals. In addition, the list includes State accreditation programs that EPA has approved as meeting the requirements of the Model Plan.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Edward A Klein, Director, TSCA Assistance Office (TS-799), Office of Toxic Substances, Environmental Protection Agency, Room E-543, 401 M Street SW., Washington, DC 20460, Telephone: (202) 554-1404.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 206 of Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2646, required EPA to develop a Model Contractor Accreditation Plan by April 20, 1987. The Plan was issued on April 20, and was published in the Federal Register of April 30 1987 (52 FR 15875), as Appendix C to Subpart E, 40 CFR Part 763.
To conduct asbestos-related work in schools, persons must receive accreditation in order to inspect school buildings for asbestos, develop management plans, and design or conduct response actions. Such persons can be accredited by States, which are required to adopt contractor accreditation plans as least as stringent as the EPA Model Plan, or by completing an EPA-approved training course and passing an examination for such course. The EPA Model Contractor Accreditation Plan establishes those areas of knowledge of asbestos inspection, management plan development, and response action technology that persons seeking accreditation must demonstrate and States must include in their accreditation programs.
In the Federal Register of October 30, 1987 (52 FR 210), EPA promulgated a final "Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools" rule (40 CFR Part 736, Subpart E) which required all local education agencies (LEAs) to identify asbestos containing materials (ACM) in their school buildings and take appropriate actions to control the release of asbestos fibers. The LEAs are also required to describe their activities in management plans, which must be made available to the public and submitted to State Governors. Under Title II, LEAs are required to use specially trained persons to conduct inspections for asbestos, develop the management plans, and design or conduct major actions to control asbestos. The new rule took effect on December 14, 1987.
The length of initial training courses for accreditation under the Model Plan varies by discipline. Briefly, inspectors must take a 3-day training course; management planners must take the inspection course plus an additional 2-days devoted to management planning; and abatement project designers are required to have at least 3 days of training. In addition, asbestos abatement contractors and supervisors must take a 4-day training course and asbestos abatement workers are required to take a 3-day training course. For all disciplines, persons seeking accreditation must also pass an examination and participate in annual re-training courses. A complete description of accreditation requirements can be found in the Model Accreditation Plan at 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E, Appendix C.I.1.A. through E.
In section 206(c)(3) of Title II, the Administrator, in consultation with affected organizations, was directed to publish (and revise as necessary) a list of asbestos courses and tests in effect before the date of enactment of this title which qualified for equivalency treatment for interim accreditation purposes, and a list of asbestos courses and tests which the Administrator determined were consistent with the Model Plan and which qualify a contractor for accreditation. The Federal Register notice of October 30, 1987, included the initial list of course approvals. In addition, the list included State accreditations programs that EPA has approved as meeting the requirements of the Model Plan.
Three types of EPA approvals are included in the Federal Register notices. Unit I discusses EPA approval of State accreditation programs. Unit II covers EPA approval of training courses. Unit III discusses EPA approval of training courses for interim accreditation. Lastly, Unit IV provides the list of State accreditation programs and training courses approved by EPA as of January 1988. Subsequent Federal Register notices will add other State programs and training courses to this second cumulative list.
I. EPA Approval of State Accreditation Programs
As discussed in the Model Plan, EPA is able to approve State Accreditation programs that the Agency determines are at least as stringent as the Model Plan. In addition, the Agency is able to approve individual disciplines within a State's accreditation program. For example, a State that currently only has an accreditation requirement for inspectors can receive EPA approval for that discipline immediately rather than waiting to develop accreditation requirements for all disciplines in the Model Plan before seeking EPA approval. EPA can also approve State training programs that do not fully meet the Model Plan's requirements but do meet the requirements for interim accreditation.
As listed in Unit IV, New Jersey has received EPA approval for two accreditation disciplines that are at least as stringent as the Model Plan. Any training courses in those two disciplines approved by New Jersey are EPA-approved courses for purposes of TSCA Title II in New Jersey and in all States without an EPA-approved accreditation program for that discipline. A current list of training courses approved by New Jersey is listed under Unit IV. As New Jersey requires participants of these courses to take the State exam, those New Jersey-approved course sponsors who are contemplating presenting the training in another State must develop their own examination. They must also submit a detailed statement about the development of the course examination to the Regional Asbestos Coordinator in their region for EPA approval.
EPA has also approved a number of State programs for purposes of providing interim accreditation for persons who have met the training and exam requirements of these State programs. The Alaska, Arkansas, Kansas, and Washington State programs for asbestos abatement workers and contractors and supervisors are approved for purposes of interim accreditation. In addition, Illinois' and Michigan's training programs for asbestos abatement workers are approved for purposes of interim accreditation. All of these State programs are listed in Unit IV.
As stated above, the Alaska and Washington programs clearly meet EPA's interim accreditation requirements. Currently, EPA is conducting a review to determine whether one or both State programs are at least as stringent as the Model Plan. One or both programs may receive full approval after EPA's review is complete. All State programs nationwide that do not fully meet the Model Plan's requirements must be upgraded within the time period specified in TSCA Title II to be at least as stringent as the Model Plan.
II. EPA Approval of Training Courses
A cumulative list of training courses approved by EPA are listed under Unit IV. The examinations for these approved courses under Unit IV have also been approved by EPA. EPA has three categories of course approval: full, contingent, and approved for interim accreditation. Courses approved for interim accreditation will be discussed in Unit III.
Full approval means EPA has reviewed and found acceptable the course's written submission seeking EPA approval and has conducted an onsite audit and determined that the training course meets or exceeds the Model Plan's training requirements for the relevant discipline.
Contingent approval means the Agency has reviewed the course's written submission seeking EPA approval and found the materials to be acceptable (i.e., the written course materials meet the Model Plan's training course requirements). However, EPA has not yet conducted an on-site audit.
Successful completion of either a fully approved course or a contingently approved course and withdraws approval due to deficiencies discovered during the audit, future course offerings could no longer have EPA approval. However, withdrawal of EPA approval should not effect the accreditation of persons who took previously offered training courses, including the course audited by EPA.
EPA-approved training courses listed under Unit IV are approved on a national basis. EPA has organized Unit IV by EPA Region to assist the public in locating those training course that are offered nearby. Training courses are listed in the Region where the training course is headquartered, although several sponsors offer their course in various locations in the United States.
EPA-approved State accreditation programs have the authority to have more stringent accreditation requirements than the Model Plan. As a result, some EPA-approved training courses listed under Unit IV may not meet the requirements of a particular State's accreditation program. Sponsors of training courses and persons who have received accreditation or are seeking accreditation should contact individual States to check on accreditation requirements.
A number of training courses offered by several universities before EPA issued the Model Plan equaled or exceeded the subsequently issued Model Plan's training course requirements. These courses are listed under Unit IV as being fully approved. It should be noted that persons who have successfully completed these courses are fully accredited; they are not limited only to being accredited on an interim basis.
III. EPA Approval of Training Courses for Interim Accreditation
TSCA Title II enables EPA to permit persons to be accredited on an interim basis if they have attended previous EPA-approved asbestos training and have passed (or pass) an asbestos exam. As a result, the Agency has approved training courses offered previously for purposes of accrediting persons on an interim basis. Only those persons who have taken training courses since January 1, 1985, will be considered under these interim accreditation provisions. In addition, EPA will not grant interim accreditation to any person who takes an equivalent training course after the date on which the asbestos-in-schools rule took effect (i.e., December 14, 1987). This accreditation is interim since the person shall be considered accredited for only 1 year after the date on which the State where the person is employed establishes an accreditation program at least as stringent as the EPA Model Plan. If the State does not adopt an accreditation program within the time period required by Title II, persons with interim accreditation must become fully accredited within 1 year after the date the State was required to have established a program.
For purposes of the Model Plan, an equivalent training course is one that is essentially similar in length and content to the curriculum found in the Model Plan. In addition, an equivalent examination must be essentially similar to the examination requirements found in the Model Plan.
Persons who have taken equivalent courses in their discipline for purposes of interim accreditation and can produce evidence that they have successfully completed the course by passing an examination, are accredited on an interim basis under TSCA Title II. Evidence of successful completion of a course would include a certificate or photo identification card that showed the person completed the training course on a certain date and passed the examination.
For persons who took one of the EPA approved courses for interim accreditation listed under Unit IV, but did not take the course's examination, these persons may become accredited on an interim basis by passing an examination at an EPA-funded training center. These EPA-funded training centers are listed under Unit IV. Before taking the exam, persons must provide evidence to the EPA-funded center that they previously had taken one of the training courses listed under Unit IV that is approved by EPA for interim accreditation.
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Resources had a training program for asbestos abatement workers and contractors/supervisors that does meet the requirements for EPA approval of training courses for interim accreditation (See Unit IV, Region II). As a result, persons who have met the training and exam requirements of the New York City Abatement Worker (i.e., "handler") or Contractor/Supervisor program are accredited as listed under Unit IV on an interim basis.
Courses approved by EPA as of January 1988 for interim accreditation are listed under Unit IV. Examinations offered by these courses also are approved for purposes of interim accreditation. EPA expects to approve additional courses for interim accreditation purposes, and will list these courses in subsequent Federal Register notices. Training course vendors that believe their courses offered since January 1, 1985, are suitable sources for interim accreditation should contact their EPA Regional asbestos coordinator.
IV. List of EPA-Approved State Accreditation Programs and Training Courses
Below is the second cumulative listing of EPA-approved State accreditation programs and training courses. As discussed above, periodic notifications of EPA approval of State accreditations programs and EPA approval of training courses will be published in subsequent Federal Register notices. The closing date for the acceptance of submissions to EPA for inclusion in this second notice was early January. Omission from this list does not imply disapproval by EPA, nor does the order of the courses reflect priority or quality. The format of the notification lists first the State accreditation programs approved by EPA, followed by EPA-approved training courses listed by Region. The name, address, phone number, and contact person is provided for each training provider followed by the courses and type of course approval (i.e., full, contingent, or for interim purposes). Unless otherwise specified by an alternative date, interim approvals are issued from January 1, 1985.
All five of the EPA-funded asbestos information centers and the three EPA-funded satellite training centers are using or will incorporate the EPA model inspector and management planner course recently developed with EPA funds. All of the EPA-funded training facilities have received approvals for inspection and management planning courses offered beginning in October 1987. Currently, almost all EPA-funded centers and all satellite centers have inspection and management planning courses that EPA has fully approved. The University of Kansas has received contingent approval of its inspector and management planner courses. The five centers are: The Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia; the University of Kansas in Overland Park, Kansas; Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts; the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of California in Berkeley, California. The three satellite centers are: The University of Texas at Arlington; the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, New Jersey; and Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As of December 1987, over 1,400 inspectors and management planners had received accreditation from one of the above EPA-funded centers.
The recently developed EPA-funded model course for inspectors and management planners, and an earlier course developed with EPA funding for asbestos abatement contractors and supervisors are available in draft form for interested parties that plan to offer training courses. Interested parties should contact the following firm to receive copies of the training courses: ATLIS, Suite 600, 6011 Executive Blvd., Rockville, MD 20852, Phone number: (301) 468-1916.
A fee for each course will be charged to cover the reproduction costs for the written and visual aid materials. As soon as the model inspector/management planner course curriculum is final, all those who paid for the draft student manual will automatically receive the instructor manual and the accompanying slides.
The following is the cumulative list of EPA-approved State accreditation programs and training courses:
Approved State Accreditation Programs
(1)(a) State: Alaska. State Agency: Department of Labor. Address: P.O. Box 1149, Juneau, Alaska 99802. Contact: Richard Arab. Phone: (907) 465-4856. (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Abatement Worker. Contractor/Supervisor (training and exam requirements approved for interim accreditation). (c) Effective date of regulation: 10/1/85.
(2)(a) State: Arkansas. State Agency: Department of Pollution Control Ecology. Address: 8001 National Drive, P.O. Box 9583, Little Rock, AR 72209. Contact: Wilson Tolefree. Phone: (501) 562-7444. (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Abatement Worker. Contractor/Supervisor (training and exam requirements approved for interim accreditation). (c) Effective date of regulation: 11/22/85.
(3)(a) State: Illinois. State Agency: Department of Public Health. Address: 525 West Jefferson St., 3rd floor, Springfield, IL 62702. Contact: Don Anderson. Phone: (217) 782-5830. (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Abatement Worker (training and exam requirements approved for interim accreditation). (c) Effective date of regulation: 11/29/85.
(4)(a) State: Kansas. State Agency: Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Address: Forbes Field, Topeka, KS 66620. Contact: John C. Irwin. Phone: (913) 296-1500. (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Contractor/Supervisor (training and exam requirements approved for interim accreditation). *Abatement worker (approved for interim accreditation). (c) Effective date of regulation: 11/6/86.
*Applies only to workers who have taken the Kansas Contractor/ Supervisor course and passed the State's worker exam.
(5)(a) State: Michigan. State Agency: Department of Public Health. Address: 3500 N. Logan, P.O. Box 30035, Lansing, MI 48909. Contact: Bill DeLeifde. Phone: (517) 335-8186. (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Abatement Worker (training and exam requirements approved for interim accreditation). (c) Effective date of regulation: 7/2/86.
(6)(a) State: New Jersey. State Agency: New Jersey Department of Health. Address: CN 360, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0360. Contact: James Brownlee. Phone: (609) 084-2193. (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Effective date of regulation: 6/18/85.
New Jersey Department of Health, EPA-Approved Courses For Abatement Workers and Contractor/Supervisors
(i)(a) Training Provider: Alternative Ways. Address: 100 Essex Avenue, Bellmawr, NJ 08031. Contact: John Smith. Phone: (609) 933-3300. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 4/25/85.
(ii)(a) Training Provider: National Asbestos Training Institute. Address: 1043 Broadway, W. Long Branch, NJ 07764. Contact: Doris Adler. Phone: (201) 229-4387. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/3/85.
(iii)(a) Training Provider: Asbestos Training Academy. Address: 218 Central Highway. Pennsauken, NJ 08109. Contact: Marianne Brady. Phone: (609) 488-9200. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/1/85.
(iv)(a) Training Provider: Daselaan and D'Angelo Associates. Address: 215 White Horse Pike, Hadden Heights, NJ 08035. Phone: (609) 547-6500. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/8/85.
(v)(a) Training Provider: Princeton Testing Laboratory. Address: Rt. 1 Princeton Serv. Ctr, Princeton, NJ 08540. Contact: Anne Coogan. Phone: (609) 452-9050. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/8/85.
(vi)(a) Training Provider: A and S Insulation Co., Inc. Address: 2213 N. Delsea Drive, Vineland, NJ 08360. Contact: William Clark. Phone: (609) 692-0883. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/20/85.
(vii)(a) Training Provider: Northeastern Analytical. Address: 234 Route 70, Medford, NJ 08055. Contact: Skip Harris. Phone: (609) 654-1441. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/20/85.
(viii)(a) Training Provider: New York/New Jersey White Lung Assoc. Address: 12 Warren Street, New York, NY 10007. Contact: Beth Garner. Phone: (212) 619-2270. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/21/85.
(ix)(a) Training Provider: Hunter College of Health Sciences. Address: 425 E. 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Contact: Dr. Jack Caravanos. Phone: (212) 481-4352. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/23/85.
(x)(a) Training Provider: Biospherics Incorporated. Address: 12051 Indian Creek Court, Beltsville, MD 20705. Contact: Marian Meiselman. Phone: (301) 369-3900. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 6/12/85.
(xi)(a) Training Provider: Building Laborers of N.J. - Training Center. Address: P.O. Box 163, Jamesburg, NJ 06831. Contact: Emmanuel Riggi. Phone: (201) 521-0200. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 7/19/85.
(xii)(a) Training Provider: International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Local No. 14. Address: 6513 Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19149. Contact: James Aikens. Phone: (215) 533-0395. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 8/9/85.
(xiii)(a) Training Provider: IT Corporation. Address: 336 West Anaheim St., Willmington, CA 90744. (c) Date of Certification: 8/29/85.
(xiv)(a) Training Provider: International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Local No. 42. Address: 1188 River Rd., New Castle, DE 19720. Contact: Robert Holden. Phone: (302) 328-4203. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 10/30/85.
(xv)(a) Training Provider: E.I. DuPont DeNemours and Co. Address: Chamber Works, Deepwater NJ 08023. Contact: Charles Battle. Phone: (609) 540-2434. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/1/87.
(xvi)(a) Training Provider: International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Local No. 89. Address: 2733 Nottingham Way, Trenton, NJ 08619. Contact: Charles DaBronzo. Phone: (609) 587-0092. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/13/86.
(xvii)(a) Training Provider: Mid-Atlantic Asbestos Training Center UMDNJ. Address: 675 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Contact: Lee Laustsen. Phone: (201) 463-4500. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 7/1/86.
(xviii)(a) Training Provider: National Asbestos Council. Address: 2786 North Decatur Road, Decatur, GA 30033. Contact: Tom Laubenthal. Phone: (404) 292-0629. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 1/13/87.
(xix)(a) Training Provider: Asbestos Training Institute - HRF, Inc. Address: 247 Hayler St., So. Hackensack, NJ 07606. Contact: Robert Tetzlaff. Phone: (201) 489-3200. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 3/4/87.
(xx)(a) Training Provider: LOMA Environmental, Inc. Address: 717 Fellowship Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054. Contact: Laurence Ferrier. Phone: (609) 778-5757. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 4/13/87.
(xxi)(a) Training Provider: Asbestos Worker Local No. 32. Address: 870 Broadway, Newark NJ 07104. Contact: Paul Ielmini. Phone: (201) 485-3626. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 5/8/87.
(xxii)(a) Training Provider: Advanced Design and Technology Corp. Address: 1300 Macdade Boulevard, Folsom, PA 19033. Contact: Greg Santo. Phone: (215) 583-0660. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 6/27/87.
(xxiii)(a) Training Provider: Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries. Address: 25 K Street NE, Washington, DC 20002. Contact: Chris Hullinger. Phone: (202) 783-2924. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 6/17/87.
(xxiv)(a) Training Provider: BCM Eastern Incorporated. Address: One Plymouth Meeting Mall, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462. Contact: Robert Ferguson. Phone: (215) 825-3800. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 6/7/87.
(xxv)(a) Training Provider: Certified Abatement Technologies, Inc. Address: 47 Midland Avenue, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407. Contact: Daniel Curtin. Phone: (201) 796-9589. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. (c) Date of Certification: 6/3/87.
(7)(a) State: Washington. State Agency: Department of Labor and Industries, Division of Industrial Safety and Health. Address: 805 Plum S.E., Olympia, WA 98504. Contact: Steve Cant. Phone: (206) 753-6497. (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Abatement Worker. Contractor/Supervisor (training and exam requirements approved for interim accreditation). (c) Effective date of regulation: 11/21/85.
EPA-Approved Training Courses
Region I - Boston, MA
Regional Asbestos Coordinator: Alison Roberts, EPA, Region I, Air and Management Division (APT-231), JFK Federal Building, Boston, MA 02203. (617) 565-3273 (FTS) 835-3273.
List of Approved Courses: The following training courses have been approved by EPA. The courses are listed under (b). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Training Providers are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect a prioritization. Approvals for Region I training courses and contact points for each, are as follows:
(1)(a) Training Provider: Abatement Technology Corporation. Address: One Boston Place, Suite 1025, Boston, MA 02108. Contact: Scott Keyes. Phone: (617) 723-3100. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 7/27/87).
(2)(a) Training Provider: Con-Test. Address: P.O. Box 591, East Longmeadow, MA 01028. Contact: Brenda Boulduc. Phone: (413) 525-1198. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (contingent). Abatement Worker (contingent). Inspector/Management Planner (contingent). Refresher course (for each of the above disciplines) (contingent).
(3)(a) Training Provider: Hygientics, Inc. Address: 150 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02114. Contact: John W. Cowdery. Phone: (617) 723-4664. (b) Approved Courses: Inspector (contingent).
(4)(a) Training Provider: Institute for Environmental Education. Address: 208 West Cummings Park, Woburn, MA 01801. Contact: Janet Oppenheim McMullen. Phone: (617) 935-7370. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 9/18/87). Inspector/Management Planner (contingent).
(5)(a) Training Provider: Maine Labor Group on Health, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 5, Augusta, ME 04330. Contact: Dianna White. Phone: (207) 289-2770. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor (contingent). Abatement Worker (contingent).
(6)(a) Training Provider: New England Laborers' Training Trust Fund. Address: 37 East Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748. Contact: Jim Merloni, Jr. Phone: (617) 435-6316. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent).
(7)(a) Training Provider: Tufts University. Address: 474 Boston Ave., Medford, MA 02155. Contact: Brenda Cole. Phone: (617) 381-3531. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor Course (interim from 9/85-5/31/87). Contractor/Supervisor Course (full from (6/22/87). Inspector/Management Planner (11/16/87).
Region II - Edison, NJ
Regional Asbestos Coordinator: Arnold Freiberger, EPA, Region II, Woodbridge Ave., Rariton Depot, Bldg. 10, Edison, NJ 08837. (201) 321-6668, (FTS) 340-6671.
List of Approved Courses: The following training courses have been approved by EPA. The courses are listed under (b). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Training Providers are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect a prioritization. Approvals for Region II training courses and contact points for each, are as follows:
(1)(a) Training Provider: Laborer's Local No. 91 Educational and Training Fund. Address: 2556 Seneca Ave., Niagara Falls, NY 14305. Contact: Joel Cicero. Phone: (716) 297-9253. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 7/27/87).
(2)(a) Training Provider: Mid-Atlantic Asbestos Training Center. UMDNJ. Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Address: 675 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-5635. Contact: Lee Lausten. Phone: (201) 463-4500. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 7/28/86). Contractor/Supervisor (full from 7/28/86). Inspector/ Management Planner (full from 11/16/87).
(3)(a) Training Provider: New York City, Department of Environmental Protection: Bureau of Air Resources. Address: 295 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012. Contact: Archie Rivera. Phone: (212) 323-8647. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (interim form 4/1/87). Contractor/Supervisor (interim form 4/1/87).
(4)(a) Training Provider: Niagra County Community College. Address: 3111 Saunders Settlement Rd., Sanborn, NY 14132. Contact: Eugene Zinni. Phone: (716) 731-3271. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent). Contractor/ Supervisor (contingent).
(5)(a) Training Provider: Western New York Council on Occupational Safety and Health (WNYCOSH). Address: 450 Grider St., Buffalo, NY 14215. Contact: Jeanne Reilly. Phone: (716) 897-2110. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent).
Region III - Philadelphia, PA
Regional Asbestos Coordinator: Pauline Levin, EPA, Region III (3HW-40), 841 Chestnut Bldg., Philadelphia, PA 19107. (215) 597-9859, (FTS) 597-9859.
List of Approved Courses: The following training courses have been approved by EPA. The course are listed under (b). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Training Providers are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect a prioritization. Approvals for Region III training courses and contact points for each, are as follows:
(1)(a) Training Provider: Alice Hamilton Center for Occupational Health. Address: 410-7th Street SE., Second Floor Washington, DC 20003. Contact: Brian Christopher. Phone: (202) 543-0005. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Workers (contingent).
(2)(a) Training Provider: The Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries. Address: 24 K Street NE., Suite 300, Washington, DC 20002. Contact: Chris Hullinger. Phone: (202) 783-2924. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 5/19/87). Contractor/ Supervisor (full from 5/19/87).
(3)(a) Training Provider: Biospherics, Inc. Address: 12051 Indiana Creek Court, Beltsvill, MD 20705. Contact: Marian F. Meiselman. Phone: (301) 369-3900. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 10/1/87). Abatement Worker (full from 10/1/87).
(4)(a) Training Provider: Con-Safe Inc. Address: P.O. Box 2267, Altoona, PA 16603. Contact: Christopher Tate. Phone: (814) 946-8778. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent). Contractor/Supervisor (contingent).
(5)(a) Training Provider: Drexel University, The Office of Continuing Professional Education. Address: 32nd and Chestnut (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Workers (contingent).
(6)(a) Training Provider: I.P.C. Chicago. Address: 4309 West Henderson, Chicago, IL 60641. contact: Robert G. Cooley. Phone: (312) 975-3495. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent).
(7)(a) Training Provider: University of Illinois at Chicago, Midwest Asbestos Information Center. Address: 2035 Taylor, School of Public Health, Chicago, IL 60612. Contact: Tony Billotti. Phone: (312) 996-5762. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor (full from 10/1/87). Inspector/Management Planner (full from 10/21/87). Abatement Worker (2 days) (interim from beginning to 10/1/87). Abatement Worker (3 days) (contingent).
(8)(a) Training Provider: Illinois Laborers' and Contractors' Training Program - Training Trust. Address: Rural Route 3, Mt. Sterling, IL 62353. Contact: Tony Romolo. Phone: (217) 773-2741. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent).
(9)(a) Training Provider: Indiana Laborers' Training Trust Fund of Indiana. Address: P.O. Box 757, Bedford, Indiana 47421. Contact: Richard Fossino. Phone: (812) 279-9751. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent).
(10)(a) Training Provider: NOVA Environmental Services. Address: Suite 420, Hazeltine Gates, 1107 Hazeltine Blvd., Chaska, MN 55318. Contact: Steven B. Cummings. Phone: (612) 448-8888. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent).
(11)(a) Training Provider: Safety Training of Illinois. Address: 1515 South Park, Springfield, IL 62704. Contact: S. David Farris. Phone: (217) 787-9091. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 12/18/87).
(12)(a) Training Provider: University of Wisconsin - Extension. Address: 422 Lowell Hall, 610 Langdon, St. Madison, WI 53703. Contact: Blair McMillan. Phone: (608) 262-2111. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 12/7/87).
Region VI - Dallas, TX
Regional Asbestos Coordinator: John West, 6t-Pt, EPA Region VI, 1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75202-2733. (214) 655-7244, (FTS) 255-7235.
List of Approved Courses: The following training courses have been approved by EPA. The courses are listed under (b). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Training Providers are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect a prioritization. Approvals for Region VI training course and contact point for each, are as follows:
(1)(a) Training Provider: Asbestos Surveys and Training, Inc. Address: Three Riverway, Suite 760, Houston, TX 77058. Contact: Jesse Ashley. Phone: (713) 623-0025. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 10/22/87).
(2)(a) Training Provider: GEBCO Associates, Inc. Address: 805-A, Elizabeth Drive, Bedford, TX 76022. Contact: Ed Kirch. Phone: (817) 268-4006. (b) Approved Courses: Asbestos Worker (full from 8/20/87). Asbestos Worker (interim prior to 8/19/87).
(3)(a) Training Provider: The International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Union, Local 22. Address: 3219 Pasadena Blvd., Pasadena, TX 77503. Contact: Owen Tilley. Phone: (713) 473-0888. (b) Approved Courses: Asbestos Worker (3 days) (contingent). Asbestos Worker (2 days) (interim prior to 10/87). Worker refresher course (contingent).
(4)(a) Training Provider: Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. Address: Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1520. Contact: George Smith. Phone: (504) 388-6621. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (contingent).
(5)(a) Training Provider: The Texas A and M University System, The Texas Engineering Extension Service, Building Codes Inspection Training Division. Address: College Station, TX 77843-8000. Contact: Charles Flanders. Phone: (409) 845-6682. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 9/14/87). Contractor/ Supervisor (interim prior to 9/14/87). Abatement Worker (full from 9/28/87). Inspector/Management Planner (full from 10/19/87).
(6)(a) Training Provider: The University of Texas at Arlington Satellite Center, Bureau of Engineering Research. Address: P.O. Box 19020, Arlington, TX 76019. Contact: Ernest Crosby. Phone: (817) 273-2557. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 7/4/86). Inspector/Management Planner (full from 10/19/87).
(7)(a) Training Provider: Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Department of Environmental Health Sciences. Address: 1430 Tulane Avenue, New Oreleans, LA 70112. Contact: Shau-Wong Chang. Phone: (504) 588-5374. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 9/15/87). Contractor/ Supervisor (interim prior to 9/14/87).
Region VII - Kansas City, KS
Regional Asbestos Coordinator: Wolfgang Brandner, EPA Region VII, 726 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, KS 66101. (913) 236-2834, (FTS) 757-2834.
List of Approved Courses: The following training courses have been approved by EPA. The courses are listed under (b). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Training Providers are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect a prioritization. Approvals for Region VII training courses and contact points for each, are as follows:
(1)(a) Training Provider: Des Moines Health Associates. Address: 4725 Merle Hay Rd., Suite 214, Des Moines, Iowa 50322. Contact: Mary A Finn. Phone: (515) 276-3642. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 11/17/87). Contractor/Supervisor (full from 11/17/87).
(2)(a) Training Providers: Hall-Kimbrell Environmental Services. Address: 4840 West 15th St., Lawrence, KS 66046. Contact: Alice Hart. Phone: (913) 749-2381. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor (full from 8/17/87). Abatement Worker (full from 8/17/87). Project Designer (full from 8/17/87). Inspector/ Management Planner (full from 8/17/87).
(3)(a) Training Providers: Mahew Environmental Training Assoc., Inc. (META). Address: P.O. Box 1961, Lawrence, KS 66044. Contact: Brad Mayhew. Phone: (913) 842-6382. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (contingent). Abatement Worker (contingent).
(4)(a) Training Providers: The University of Kansas, National Asbestos Training Center. Address: 6600 College Blvd., Suite 315, Overland Park, KS 66211. Contact: Lani Himegarner. Phone: (913) 491-0181. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (contingent). Contractor/Supervisor (interim from 6/85-9/9/87). Abatement Worker (contingent). Inspector/Management Planner (contingent).
Region VIII - Denver, CO
Regional Asbestos Coordinator: David Combs, [8AT-TS] EPA Region VIII, 1 Denver Place, 999-18th St., Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202-2413. (303) 293-1744, (FTS) 564-1744.
List of Approved Courses: The following training courses have been approved by EPA. The courses are listed under (b). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Training Providers are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect a prioritization. Approvals for Region VIII training courses and contact points for each, are as follows:
(1)(a) Training Provider: Northern Engineering and Testing, Inc. Address: 600 South 25th Street, P.O. Box 30615, Billings, MT 59107. Contact: Kathleen Smit. Phone: (406) 248-9161. (b) Approved Courses: Asbestos Worker (contingent).
(2)(a) Training Provider: Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. Address: Building 512, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. Contact: Jeffery Lee. Phone: (801) 581-5710. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (contingent). Inspector/Management Planner (contingent).
Region IX - San Francisco, CA
Regional Asbestos Coordinator: Joanne Semones, [T-52], EPA Region IX, 215 Fremont St., Sna Francisco, CA 94105. (415) 974-7290, (FTS) 454-7290.
List of Approved Courses: The following training courses have been approved by EPA. The courses are listed under (b). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Training Providers are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect a prioritization. Approvals for Region IX training courses and contact points for each, are as follows:
(1)(a) Training Provider: ABMS, Inc. Address: 5506 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, CA 94608. Contact: Otis Wong. Phone: (415) 547-7144. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent).
(2)(a) Training Provider: Environmental Sciences. Address: 375 S. Meyer, Tucson, AZ 85701. Contact: Paula Keyes. Phone: (602) 792-0097. (b) Approved Courses: Inspector/Management Planner (full from 10/5/87).
(3)(a) Training Provider: International Technology Corporation. Address: 336 West Anaheim Street, Wilmington, CA 90744. Contact: Keith Soebe. Phone: (213) 830-1781. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent).
(4)(a) Training Provider: National Abatement Technology Employment Center (NATEC). Address: 13692 Newhope Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92643. Contact: Ronald Sandlin. Phone: (714) 530-0407. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent from 11/17/87). Contractor/Supervisor (contingent from 11/17/87).
(5)(a) Training Provider: National Institute of Asbestos and Hazardous Waste Training. Address: 8726 So. Sepulveda Blvd. C-182, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Contact: James McFarland. Phone: (213) 641-7055. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 12/7/87). Abatement worker (full from 12/7/87).
(6)(a) Training Provider: University of California at Berkeley Pacific Asbestos Information Center, U.C. Extension. Address: 2223 Fulton St., Berkeley, CA 94720. Contact: Debra Dobin. Phone: (415) 643-7143. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 2/2/87). Inspector/Management Planner (full from 11/16/87).
Region X - Seattle, WA
Regional Asbestos Coordinator: Walter Jasper, EPA Region X, 1200 Sixth Ave., Seattle, WA 98101. (206) 442-2870, (FTS) 399-2870.
List of Approved Courses: The following training course has been approved by EPA. The Training Provider is listed under (b). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name.
(1)(a) Training Provider: Heavey Engineering, Inc. Address: 113 Russell St., P.O. Box 832, Stevenson, Washinton 98648. Contact: Bernard Heavey. Phone: (509) 427-8936. (b) Approved Courses: Inspector/Management Planner (contingent).
Dated: February 1, 1988.
John A. Moore,
Assistant Administrator for Pesticides and Toxic Substances.