OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards and regulations. Our interpretation letters explain these requirements and how they apply to particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional employer obligations. This letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at https://www.osha.gov.
February 9, 1990
I am pleased to announce that the OSHA Long-Term Training Program will be resumed. The OSHA Executive Resources Board will nominate up to six employees to participate in the FY 1990-91 program.
I would like to encourage all personnel, GS-11 and above, who meet eligibility criteria outlined in the attachment to apply for this worthwhile program. The program provides one academic year of post-graduate education in a technical, administrative or managerial curriculum.
The deadline for receipt of applications for the FY 1990-91 program will be April 1, 1990; however, applicants are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible. The attachment includes information on how to apply for the program and selection criteria to be used.
Applications should be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources and Organizational Management, Attention: OSHA Training Officer, 200 Constitution Avenue, N. W., Room N3308, Washington, D. C. 20210.
Please call Claudia Brown, FTS 523-8006, for any additional information.
Basic Goal
The goal of the OSHA Long-Term Training Program is to enable competitively-selected OSHA employees to participate in concentrated training in order to stay abreast of changes and innovations in their occupational fields, learn new skills, or develop or improve abilities that will contribute to the continued effective operation of the Agency. Training pursued may be in technical, managerial or administrative career fields. This training effort assumes that participants have the basic professional training in the career field of proposed study and that the proposed curriculum does not overlap the basic purpose of any other training program. The program provides for one academic year of training which may begin not earlier than the summer semester, 1990, and may include training at the masters, doctoral, or post-doctoral level. In pursuit of the above goals, OSHA must consider competing in-house needs for resources, both financial and human. Selection of individuals for long-term training must, of necessity, be conducted in careful consideration of the short- and long-term operational needs of the Agency.
This program is not designed to be a degree program and should not be undertaken for the sole purpose of earning a degree. If an employee achieves an academic degree as a consequence of completing approved training and education, it is considered a by-product of the program.
Full-time, permanent OSHA employees, GS-11 and above, who have at least an undergraduate degree and have, or will have by April 1, 1990, at least one year of continuous, current OSHA service may apply, providing that the employee has not previously participated in the OSHA Long-Term Training Program.
All eligible applicants will receive consideration for this training without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, political affiliation, labor organization affiliation, marital status, veteran status or any other factors not related to the need for training.
Submission of Applications
Applications, with all required documentation, must be received by the OSHA Training Officer not later than April 1, 1990. The following information must be included in the application:
* Narrative description of the objectives of the proposed training, including the scope and extent of the proposed curriculum and any associated research (list specific courses to be taken);
* Rationale for selection of the educational institution;
* Relationship of the proposed training to OSHA's mission;
* How the proposed training complements the applicant's previous training, education and work experience; and
* Why the training need is best satisfied through long-term training rather than other means
Also to be included are:
* Official transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate level work;
* Supervisors' written recommendations, i.e., from each supervisory level through the Regional Administrator in the field and through the Directorate Head in the National Office;
* Form DL 1-101, Training Request and Authorization, properly completed and approved;
* Form DL 1-80, Individual Development Plan (IDP);
* Tentative acceptance from the college or university that the applicant plans to attend; and a
* Summary sheet (attached).
The proposed training should be completely documented in terms of the level of training which is to be pursued. Significant modifications to original training proposals will be approved only in unusual circumstances.
The supervisory recommendations should include a description of how the skills and knowledge to be acquired through the proposed training could be applied in terms of added responsibilities in the employee's current position.
Selection Criteria
Up to six employees will be selected for participation in the FY 1990/91 Long-Term Training Program. In evaluating applications for selection, the OSHA Executive Resources Board will place particular emphasis on the following criteria:
* OSHA's need for particular skills;
* Technical adequacy of the proposed study program;
* Previous academic performance;
* Length of service with OSHA; and
* Supervisory recommendations.
The OSHA Executive Resources Board will nominate employees for participation in the program and will forward applications of nominees to the Assistant Secretary for confirmation.
Action on Training Applications
The applicant should submit the original and four copies of the application to his or her immediate supervisor. The supervisor should forward the application with his or her recommendation, through the second-level supervisor for appropriate recommendations, to the Regional Administrator or Directorate Head. The Regional Administrator or Directorate Head should forward the applications of those employees recommended for long-term training to the OSHA Training Officer. The original application (and four copies) with supervisory recommendations must reach the OSHA Training Officer by April 1, 1990.
Applicants will not be eligible for consideration unless the complete application package is received in the National Office by the deadline.
Training Advisor
Since the training will be closely related to ongoing or projected activities of the Agency, each trainee will be assigned an advisor from OSHA who will:
* Coordinate the final curriculum selection and development of any project research plan;
* Serve as a liaison with the employee during the training period;
* Maintain contact with the academic advisor through correspondence and site visits; and
* Submit a written semi-annual progress report.
Copies of the approved curriculum and research plan, any correspondence with the academic advisor and progress reports must be submitted to the OSHA Training Officer for inclusion in the employee's file. Selection of the advisor will be made by the Regional Administrator or Directorate Head, as appropriate, based on the recommendation of the OSHA Training Officer, and will take into consideration the employee's professional background, academic field of study and prospective utilization after training is completed.
Administrative Procedures
The organizational component in which the employee is employed must provide the position and funding for the employee upon his or her return to the Agency from the educational institution. The advisor, in conjunction with the OSHA Training Officer, will assure that paperwork is timely initiated to return the employee to the appropriate organizational unit, and otherwise assist in the placement of the employee into an appropriate position.
Agency Responsibility
OSHA will be responsible for:
* Providing funding for salary, tuition, registration fees, travel, movement of household effects where applicable, per diem, books and supplies.
Supervisory Responsibility
Supervisors will be responsible for:
* Assisting the employee in the development of an individual development plan (IDP);
* Keeping the employee informed of policy and procedural changes occurring during the training period; and
* Making maximum use of the employee's ability upon return to OSHA.
Participant's Responsibility
The participant will be responsible for:
* Meeting admission requirements and conforming to the regulations of the educational institution;
* Signing a training agreement for continued service with OSHA for three times the length of training received;
* Submitting periodic progress reports;
* Informing OSHA of any absences (sick or annual leave) from the educational institution;
* Maintaining the necessary deportment while in training so as not to reflect adversely on OSHA;
* Satisfactorily completing training, including receiving grades which are acceptable to the educational institution;
* Informing the OSHA Training Officer and supervisor, in writing, of any intent to deviate from the curriculum approved by the OSHA Executive Resources Board or withdraw from the program.
* Utilizing training received to the maximum of his or her ability upon return to OSHA; and
Statutory and Regulatory Constraints
Training through a non-government facility cannot exceed one year during each ten-year period of government service [U.S. Code, Title 5, Section 41O6(a)(3)]. Completion of long-term training may limit future non-government training opportunities.
When an employee receives pay and expenses from his or her agency during a period of training, he or she must agree, in writing, to continue in the service of that agency for three times the period of training [U.S. Code, Title 5, Section 4108 and CFR 410.508].
NAME:____________________________________________________________________ TITLE, SERIES, GRADE:____________________________________________________ LENGTH OF OSHA SERVICE:__________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:_______________________________________________________________ REGION:__________________________________________________________________ DUTY STATION:____________________________________________________________ PRIMARY DUTIES:__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ NAME AND LOCATION OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION:_____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ TITLE OF PROGRAM:________________________________________________________ TRAINING PERIOD FROM:_______________________TO___________________________ TENTATIVE ACCEPTANCE: YES__________________NO___________________________