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OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards and regulations. Our interpretation letters explain these requirements and how they apply to particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional employer obligations. This letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at

September 5, 1990


To:           ALL OSHA

Subject:      WordPerfect Style Sheet for the Directive System

FSSB has developed a WordPerfect style spec conforming to the directive system. This style specification, accessed by the style feature (Alt-F8), must be used in conjunction with some specially developed macros to conform to the varying left margin settings. The style feature allows you to perform a number of features, such as bolding, underlining, centering, mark list, etc. by simply selecting a "style." The advantage of using the style feature over a macro is the flexibility to incorporate changes, document wide, if the spec must be modified for any reason; although macros can incorporate the same features with a few keystrokes, they do not allow global changes at a later date.

Note however that, although there is a certain level of automation using a style, some style specs must be edited to address document- specific details. For example there is a page-header style which defines the location, size and spacing for odd and even pages. Once it has been included you must then edit the headers to incorporate the proper document identification number.

The "library.sty" file contains the following specs:



A.I Header Level I Appendix Header CAUTION Cautions to users doc.text Document style spec. for body of the text Figure Spec. Figure listing for header and TOC

HINT Tips for the user Italic 10 pt A temporary 10 point italic font Italic 12 pt A temporary 12 point italic font L.1 Head Chapter Heading (I.) L.2 Head Level 2 Sub-Heading (A.) L.3 Head Level 3 Sub-Heading (1.) L.4 Head Level 4 Sub-Heading (a.) L.5 Head Level 5 Sub-Heading ((1)) L.6 Head Level 6 Sub-Heading ((a)) NOTES Note format P-Headers Odd and Even Page Header scn text Screen display font Table Spec. Table Listings for header and TOC


Please share this information with your staff. Thank you.


Example. To identify a header plus the new margin setting for the following paragraphs:

1. While in a document, block the heading. e.g. Introduction.

2. Select ALT F8 - Style. The list of style options is displayed.

3. Highlight L.2 Head and select 1 - On. The text is now bolded, underlined, identified for a Level 2 Table of Contents entry and automatic paragraph number for level 2.

[Style On:L.2 Head]A. Introduction[Style Off:L.2 Head]

If you highlight the first command, the features are displayed:

[Style On:L.2 Head;[Mark:TOC,2][HRt] [Par Num:2][-


Note: Since there is an Indent command in the style feature, the first paragraph is indented to the correct margin automatically, Additional paragraphs must have the margin redefined since a Hard Return will reset to the previously defined margin. The use of macros have simplified this process.

5. To redefine additional paragraphs for the Introductory section, highlight the first letter of the next paragraph and select Alt-F10 - Macro. Macro: is displayed.

6. Type LM15 to redefine the Left Margin to 1.5 inches then press Enter. Any information entered after this command will be situated properly on the page.

Note: Any time you enter a new header you must use a macro to redefine the margin to the proper location.

If anyone would like a copy of the style file and associated macros, please contact FSSB at 523-6251.


Please share this information with your staff. Thank you.