OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards and regulations. Our interpretation letters explain these requirements and how they apply to particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional employer obligations. This letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at https://www.osha.gov.
January 27, 1994
MEMORANDUM FOR: REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS THROUGH: LEO CAREY Director Office of Field Programs FROM: JOHN A. KATALINAS Director Office of Management Data Systems SUBJECT: IMIS Software Release CPLN 5.4.0
IMIS Software release CPLN 5.4.0 will be released to all NCR sites beginning January 27, 1994. Due to the large size of the release, it will be phased in over a two (2) week period. The Boston and Dallas regions were selected as test sites and have already received the update. All other regions will receive the update in the following sequence:
1. Atlanta Region
2. Chicago Region
3. Philadelphia and San Francisco Regions
4. New York and Seattle Regions
5. Kansas City and Denver Regions
Each release will be separated by a two to three day interval to ensure adequate support to the field offices. The affected regions will be notified prior to the date of their release.
The highlights of this release are as follows:
1. WordPerfect.
A. WordPerfect 5.0 is replaced with Version 5.1.
B. All of the WordPerfect macros utilized by the IMIS applications are replaced.
C. All user-created WordPerfect files will have the printer definitions removed and replaced with the default printer for WordPerfect 5.1
D. Timed backups of WordPerfect 5.1 files will be placed in the users home directory and will be removed daily.
2. WordPerfect Office.
A. WordPerfect Office 3.1 is being updated to make the printer drivers compatible with WordPerfect 5.1.
3. Printers.
A. All of the printers on the NCR are renamed using a standardized naming convention.
B. New WordPerfect printer control files were added to improve the quality of print for ALPS, Printronix and IBMPro printers.
4. Menus.
A. The OSHA IMIS Administration Menu and User Menu were modified to include selections to allow users better accessibility to cancel print jobs, select printers, set printer pitches, etc.
B. The User Administration selection through the OSHA IMIS Administration menu was modified to allow more flexibility in changing users and for accessing the printers
5. CSHO Application Menu and Software.
A. The system administrator may now modify the users from the User Menu to the CSHO menu by running User Administration and changing the users Menu setup to Csho User Menu.
B. A new screen called the CaseFile Summary Screen is now available that provides the CSHO an easy way to search for inspections, copy inspections and directly access WordPerfect and related violation data.
C. An abbreviated 1B screen with penalty calculation and employee exposure search and copy is now available for CSHO's. The regular 1B from the Users Menu must still be used for amendments and other event processing. Some consideration is being given to providing a 1B screen that contains all the features of the two 1B screens. We would appreciate feedback regarding this idea.
D. The software release now supports laser printing of the OSHA-1/1A, 1BCSHO, and OSHA-31.
E. Any activity form saved incomplete may now be deleted by using the function key SHIFT-F1 Delete.
F. New WordPerfect Templates for the OSHA-1A and OSHA-1BCSHO and OSHA-2B are included on this release.
6. Printing Pinfed Citations.
A. All sites will notice a format change in the printout of the pinfed Citation and Failure to Abate forms. The verbiage, "Last Page" no longer prints on the citation. Also the "Area Director" typed name and the "Total Penalty For Citation" will only be printed on the last page of each citation.
7. Laser Citations.
A. Federal Area Offices can now assemble and print citations on plain paper using the laser printer. This capability is in addition to pinfed citations. State offices may use the laser citation if they want to use the federal format. They should contact the Field Systems Support Branch (FSSB) for assistance in modifying the graphics on the form.
B. The Laser Citation Setup selection has been added to the OSHA IMIS Administration Menu to assist each office in setting up the laser citation.
8. Forms.
A. A corrected list of state codes was included into establishment processing for all forms.
B. All references to WordPerfect 5.0 were changed to WordPerfect 5.1.
C. An additional two years of holiday dates was added to the system file for holidays.
D. The tables for special emphasis codes was updated with the most recent changes.
E. Numerous corrections were made to all forms to correct problems reported by field sites. The Executive Summary for CPLN 5.4.0 contains details by form.
9. Reports.
A. All reports were modified to allow more flexibility in routing the output to the printers on the system.
B. Numerous corrections were made to all reports to correct problems reported by field sites. The Executive Summary for CPLN 5.4.0 contains details by report.
10. Other Utilities.
A. The program use to set file access permissions was modified to include all files pertaining to WordPerfect 5.1 as well files associated with laser citations.
10. Other Utilities.
A. The program use to set file access permissions was modified to include all files pertaining to WordPerfect 5.1 as well as files associated with laser citations.
11. Printing Ace Reports.
A. The program that allows users to select the printer, pitch and font for Standard Ace Reports, is modified to resolve the permission problems of different users creating and sharing outputs from the standard reports.
If you have any questions, please contact the Field Systems Support Branch (FSSB) on (202) 219-6251.