Standard Interpretations(Archived) - Standard Number
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- 1910.36 - Clarification of requirements that exit routes be maintained clear of all obstructions. - 02/17/1976
- 1910.36 - How means of egress shall be located and identified. - 12/18/1975
- 1910.36 - Interpretation for doorways not complying with exit route requirements. - 05/01/1975
- 1910.36 - Key to open locked exits. - 06/29/1994
- 1910.36 - Minimum width of exit routes; redesignation of 1910.1020. - 04/27/2000
- 1910.36 - OSHA standards of exit requirements in steam tunnels. - 02/25/1977
- 1910.36(b) - Minimum width of exit routes; redesignation of 1910.1020. - 04/27/2000
- 1910.36(d) - Exits must not be locked or obstructed. - 12/19/1991
- 1910.36(g)(1) - Interpretation for doorways not complying with exit route requirements. - 05/01/1975
- 1910.36(g)(2) - Clarification of requirements that exit routes be maintained clear of all obstructions. - 02/17/1976
- 1910.36(g)(2) - Exit route requirements as it relates to the widths of doorways into electrical equipment enclosures. - 11/15/1993
- 1910.36(g)(2) - Minimum width of exit routes; redesignation of 1910.1020. - 04/27/2000