• Title:
    Fall 2022 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions
Fall 2022 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions
Agency Agenda Stage of Rulemaking Title RIN
DOL/ETA Prerule Stage Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program; Confidentiality and Disclosure of State UC Information 1205-AC11
DOL/ETA Proposed Rule Stage Temporary Employment of H-2B Foreign Workers in the United States 1205-AB93
DOL/ETA Proposed Rule Stage Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States 1205-AC00
DOL/ETA Proposed Rule Stage Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Effectiveness in Serving Employers Performance Indicator Provisions 1205-AC01
DOL/ETA Proposed Rule Stage Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Non-Core Programs Effectiveness in Serving Employers Performance Indicator 1205-AC08
DOL/ETA Proposed Rule Stage Improving Protections For Workers in Temporary Agricultural Employment in the United States 1205-AC12
DOL/ETA Proposed Rule Stage National Apprenticeship System Enhancements 1205-AC13
DOL/ETA Final Rule Stage Wagner-Peyser Act Staffing 1205-AC02
DOL/ETA Final Rule Stage Adverse Effect Wage Rate Methodology for the Temporary Employment of H-2A Nonimmigrants in Non-Range Occupations in the United States 1205-AC05
DOL/ETA Final Rule Stage Exercise of Time-Limited Authority to Increase the Numerical Limitation for FY 2023 for the H-2B Temporary Nonagricultural Worker Program and Portability Flexibility for H-2B Workers Seeking to Change 1205-AC14
DOL/EBSA Prerule Stage Improving Participant Engagement and Effectiveness of ERISA Retirement Plan Disclosures 1210-AC09
DOL/EBSA Prerule Stage Pooled Employer Plans 1210-AC10
DOL/EBSA Prerule Stage Requirements Related to Advanced Explanation of Benefits and Other Provisions Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 1210-AC14
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Adoption of Amended and Restated Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program 1210-AB64
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Improvement of the Form 5500 Series and Implementing Related Regulations Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) 1210-AC01
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Definition of the Term "Fiduciary" 1210-AC02
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Provider Nondiscrimination Requirements for Group Health Plans and Health Insurance Issuers in the Group and Individual Markets 1210-AC06
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 1210-AC11
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Short-Term Limited Duration Insurance; Update 1210-AC12
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Coverage of Certain Preventive Services Under the Affordable Care Act 1210-AC13
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Definition of 'Employer' Under Section 3(5) of ERISA-Association Health Plans 1210-AC16
DOL/EBSA Proposed Rule Stage Independent Dispute Resolution Operations 1210-AC17
DOL/EBSA Final Rule Stage Pension Benefit Statements-Lifetime Income Illustrations 1210-AB20
DOL/EBSA Final Rule Stage Implement SECURE Act and Related Revisions to Employee Benefit Plan Annual Reporting on the Form 5500 1210-AB97
DOL/EBSA Final Rule Stage Amendment of Abandoned Plan Program 1210-AC04
DOL/EBSA Final Rule Stage Prohibited Transaction Exemption Procedures 1210-AC05
DOL/EBSA Final Rule Stage Requirements Related to Air Ambulance Services, Agent and Broker Disclosures, and Provider Enforcement 1210-AC08
DOL/OSHA Prerule Stage Process Safety Management and Prevention of Major Chemical Accidents 1218-AC82
DOL/OSHA Prerule Stage Mechanical Power Presses Update 1218-AC98
DOL/OSHA Prerule Stage Prevention of Workplace Violence in Health Care and Social Assistance 1218-AD08
DOL/OSHA Prerule Stage Blood Lead Level for Medical Removal 1218-AD10
DOL/OSHA Prerule Stage Heat Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings 1218-AD39
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Infectious Diseases 1218-AC46
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Amendments to the Cranes and Derricks in Construction Standard 1218-AC81
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Shipyard Fall Protection--Scaffolds, Ladders and Other Working Surfaces 1218-AC85
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Communication Tower Safety 1218-AC90
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Emergency Response 1218-AC91
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Lock-Out/Tag-Out Update 1218-AD00
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Tree Care Standard 1218-AD04
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Welding in Construction Confined Spaces 1218-AD23
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Personal Protective Equipment in Construction 1218-AD25
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Powered Industrial Trucks Design Standard Update 1218-AD26
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Walking Working Surfaces 1218-AD28
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica: Revisions to Medical Surveillance Provisions for Medical Removal Protection 1218-AD31
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Arizona State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health 1218-AD43
DOL/OSHA Proposed Rule Stage Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process 1218-AD45
DOL/OSHA Final Rule Stage Update to the Hazard Communication Standard 1218-AC93
DOL/OSHA Final Rule Stage Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the Taxpayer First Act 1218-AD27
DOL/OSHA Final Rule Stage Procedures for Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the Whistleblower Protection Statutes 1218-AD30
DOL/OSHA Final Rule Stage Occupational Exposure to COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings 1218-AD36
DOL/OSHA Final Rule Stage Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the Anti-Money Laundering Act 1218-AD37
DOL/OSHA Final Rule Stage Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints under the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act 1218-AD38
DOL/OSHA Final Rule Stage Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses 1218-AD40
DOL/OSHA Final Rule Stage Procedures for the Use of Administrative Subpoenas 1218-AD44
DOL/MSHA Proposed Rule Stage Respirable Crystalline Silica 1219-AB36
DOL/MSHA Final Rule Stage Safety Program for Surface Mobile Equipment 1219-AB91
DOL/MSHA Final Rule Stage Testing, Evaluation, and Approval of Electric Motor-Driven Mine Equipment and Accessories 1219-AB93
DOL/WHD Proposed Rule Stage Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer Employees 1235-AA39
DOL/WHD Proposed Rule Stage Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts 1235-AA42
DOL/WHD Proposed Rule Stage Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act 1235-AA43
DOL/WHD Final Rule Stage Updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Regulations 1235-AA40
DOL/OWCP Proposed Rule Stage Black Lung Benefits Act: Quality Standards for Medical Testing 1240-AA12
DOL/OWCP Proposed Rule Stage Performance of Functions; Claims for Compensation under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act; Compensation for Death and Disability of Noncitizen Federal Employees Outside the United States 1240-AA14
DOL/OWCP Proposed Rule Stage Black Lung Benefits Act: Authorization of Self Insurers 1240-AA16
DOL/OWCP Proposed Rule Stage Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act: Civil Monetary Penalties Procedures 1240-AA17
DOL/OLMS Final Rule Stage Form LM-10 Employer Report 1245-AA13
DOL/OFCCP Proposed Rule Stage Modernizing Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination Obligations for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors 1250-AA13
DOL/OFCCP Proposed Rule Stage Notification of Supply and Service Subcontract Awards 1250-AA15
DOL/OFCCP Final Rule Stage Final Action on Proposal to Rescind Implementing Legal Requirements Regarding the Equal Opportunity Clause's Religious Exemption 1250-AA09
DOL/OFCCP Final Rule Stage Pre-enforcement Notice and Conciliation Procedures 1250-AA14
DOL/OFCCP Final Rule Stage Technical Amendments to OFCCP Regulations 1250-AA16
DOL/OS Proposed Rule Stage Partnerships With Faith-Based and Neighborhood Organizations 1290-AA45
DOL/OS Final Rule Stage Benefits Review Board Electronic Case Filing 1290-AA35
DOL/OS Final Rule Stage Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) E-Filing 1290-AA36
DOL/OS Final Rule Stage Department of Labor Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustment for 2023 1290-AA47
DOL/OASAM Proposed Rule Stage Revisions to the Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation 1291-AA43
DOL/OASAM Proposed Rule Stage Revision of the Regulations Implementing Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to Clarify Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Requirements and Obligations Related to Sex 1291-AA44

Source: www.RegInfo.gov