Checklist for Abrasive Wheel Equipment Grinders1

drawing of grinder - For problems with accessibility in using figures and illustrations, please contact the OSHA Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Management at (202) 693-2300.
Standard 29 CFR 1910 Description YES NO2

From the Abrasive Wheel standard

215(a)(2) Do side guards cover the spindle, nut and flange and 75% of the wheel diameter?
215(a)(4) Is the work rest used and kept adjusted to within 1/8-inch (0.3175cm) of the wheel?
215(b)(9) Is the adjustable tongue guard on the top side of the grinder used and kept to within 1/4-inch (0.6350cm) of the wheel?
215(d)(1) Is the maximum RPM rating of each abrasive wheel compatible with the RPM rating of the grinder motor?
215(d)(1) Before new abrasive wheels are mounted, are they visually inspected and ring tested?

From other OSHA standards

22(a) Is cleanliness maintained around grinders?
94(b)(2) Are dust collectors and powered exhausts provided on grinders used in operations that produce large amounts of dust?
133(a)(1) Are goggles or face shields always worn when grinding?
212(b) Are bench and pedestal grinders permanently mounted?
304(g)(5) Does each electrically operated grinder have a permanent, continuous and effective path to ground?
305(g)(1)(iv)(A) Are fixed or permanently mounted grinders connected to their electrical supply system with metallic conduit or other permanent method?
305(j)(4)(vi) Does each grinder have an individual on and off control switch?


1Extracted from OSHA Publication No. 2209. This check list does NOT include ALL elements of 29 CFR 1910.215; it is a only a guide.

2A mark in this column indicates a need for corrective actions.

A partial list of accidents involving grindersis also available.

Keith Piercy, OSHA Tampa, Florida Area Office, Local Emphasis Project, 1999

[Updated: 03/15/2013]