OSHA Products, Information and Guidance for the
Shipyard Employment Industry
Shipyard "Tool Bag" Directive
This directive, Shipyard Employment "Tool Bag" Directive, CPL 02-00-162, consolidates OSHA shipyard employment (ship repair, shipbuilding, shipbreaking) information into a single source. "Tool Bag" includes over 100 electronic links to provide easy access to references, eTools, publications and other information sources needed to provide and support compliance assistance, consultation, training and education, and enforcement efforts. Appendices provide detailed guidance regarding general industry standards that apply to shipyard employment in addition to all shipyard interpretation letters previously issued by OSHA that remain valid. Developed for use online via www.osha.gov (click "Directives," then search "Tool Bag").
Shipyard Fatality Videos I & II
In conjunction with the shipyard employment industry, OSHA developed two videos based on actual case files, depicting shipyard employment fatal accidents. Each video contains eight accidents that have been recreated using computer-generated animation. Each scenario includes a review of the factors that contributed to the accident and how to avoid them. These videos may be accessed directly online via www.osha.gov (click "Maritime," click "Safety and Health Topics," click "Training and Outreach," then click "Examining Fatal Shipyard Accidents: Hazards and Solutions"), or through the Shipyard "Tool Bag" Directive.
Abrasive Blasting Hazards in Shipyard Employment
OSHA developed this document to alert shipyard employers and their employees about abrasive blasting hazards and the controls that can be used to reduce, avoid or eliminate them. This document focuses on air contaminants because they are a major hazard during abrasive blasting. Other abrasive blasting safety and health hazards are discussed along with applicable regulations and control methods. This document can be accessed via www.osha.gov (click "Maritime," click "Maritime Standards and Guidance," then click "Guidance Documents").
Shipyard Employment eTools
In conjunction with the shipyard employment industry, OSHA developed eTools for ship repair, shipbuilding, shipbreaking, and barge cleaning activities that provide comprehensive information, in an electronic format with photos and illustrations, regarding the applicability of safety and health standards. These eTools can be accessed directly via www.osha.gov (click "eTools," then click "Shipyard Employment"), or through the Shipyard "Tool Bag" Directive or through the Longshoring and Marine Terminals "Tool Shed" Directive.
National Emphasis Program on Shipbreaking Operations
This directive provides available shipyard safety and health information in a web-based interactive format to reduce or eliminate the workplace hazards associated with shipbreaking operations. This directive can be accessed via www.osha.gov (click "Directives," then search "NEP Shipbreaking"), or through the Shipyard "Tool Bag" Directive.
Marine Hanging Staging
This OSHA guidance product is intended to help employers design, assemble, use, and dismantle marine hanging staging (MHS) in a manner that is safe for employees. Use of MHS is common in shipyard operations because it can be configured to a variety of hull configurations. However, the safe use of MHS requires careful planning and proper work practices. This document can be accessed via www.osha.gov (click "Maritime," click "Safety and Health Topics," click "Training and Outreach," then click "Safe Work Preferences for Marine Hanging Staging"), or through the Shipyard "Tool Bag" Directive.
Safety and Health Injury Prevention Sheets (SHIPS)
In conjunction with industry, OSHA continues to develop SHIPS to provide a quick reference for specific hazards in the shipyard employment industry such as "Hot Work." SHIPS can be accessed directly via www.osha.gov (click "Maritime," click "Safety and Health Topics," click "Training and Outreach," then click "Safety and Health Injury Prevention Sheets (SHIPS)"), or through the Shipyard "Tool Bag" Directive.
Hydrogen Sulfide Quick Card
This card is a one-page reference which details the characteristics, health effects, and measures to be taken before entering an area with possible hydrogen sulfide. This document can be accessed in English or Spanish via www.osha.gov (click "Quick Cards," "Hydrogen Sulfide Quick Cards").
Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Hexavalent Chromium Standards
This publication provides guidance to assist small businesses comply with OSHA's Hexavalent Chromium standards. It describes the steps that employers are required to take to protect employees from the hazards associated with exposure to hexavalent chromium. This document can be accessed www.osha.gov (click "Publications," then click "Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Hexavalent Chromium Standards").
Commercial Diving Operations Directive
This directive, CPL 02-00-143 - 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart T - Commercial Diving Operations, provides guidance for implementing intervention and inspection programs to reduce injuries, illnesses and fatalities, or eliminate workplace hazards in the commercial diving industry. Developed for use online via www.osha.gov (click "Directives," then search "Commercial Diving").
OSHA Internet Webpage
The OSHA webpage provides information and resources regarding compliance assistance, standards and guidance, laws and regulations, enforcement policy, cooperative and state programs, statistics, and much more. This website can be accessed via www.osha.gov.
OSHA Maritime Webpage
The OSHA Maritime webpage contains materials regarding safety and health information for the maritime industries, which include shipyard related employment (Ship repair, shipbuilding, shipbreaking), longshoring, marine terminals, and commercial diving. The OSHA Maritime webpage can be accessed via www.osha.gov (click "Maritime").

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DEP 11-2007