Our features page highlights various OSHA programs, such as partnerships, alliances, safety campaigns, and other initiatives. Explore the latest stories to stay informed and learn more about workplace safety and health.

December 12, 2024
Community quality of life begins with safety
Strategic partnerships help employers protect their workers by allowing OSHA to be part of the safety solution from the beginning

November 15, 2024
Pioneering tech growth while focusing on worker safety
This is an exceptional opportunity for us to interact with a groundbreaking project and provide compliance assistance outreach on such a large scale to the Idaho community.

October 03, 2024
Listen Up: Prevent Hearing Loss
Millions of construction workers have hearing loss that affects their daily activities. This is preventable.

September 23, 2024
Supporting Workers’ Mental Wellbeing is Essential for Worker Safety and Health
Employers can make sure that their overall safety and health management system includes considerations for mental health and wellbeing.

September 13, 2024
Why Language Access Could Save Lives in Emergencies
Emergency preparedness plans need to be easy for every worker to understand. OSHA has resources to help with this.

June 24, 2024
OSHA partners with builders, union on Rock and Roll Hall of Fame project
Just as a songwriter crafts pieces with the melody, harmony, and rhythm in mind from the beginning, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is embedding safety into its expansion project from the start.

May 29, 2024
Integrating Safety Measures into Technology
Most people in America understand that wireless technology is a necessity of life. We rely on it for internet in our homes and phone service for work, education, household management convenience and entertainment. To get that wireless technology, though, requires towers to be built and repaired across the country.
May 29, 2024
Making an Impact on Safety and Health Training for Young Workers
One of the rites of passage for young people in their teens is getting a job. Teens look forward to earning a paycheck and learning responsibility through work. It is an important part of becoming an adult.

May 29, 2024
Safety and Health Built into Pennsylvania Community Project
Some construction projects are just that: projects. They are tasks that need to be done. Perhaps the community involved knows—or cares—about the reason for the project.

May 29, 2024
Springfield Construction Company Partners with OSHA to Protect Workers on New Civic Center Project
Downtown Springfield, Massachusetts, is being revitalized through several municipal projects. One of those projects is a particularly large leap forward in that effort. The civic center parking garage is being demolished and replaced by a new parking garage that will have 900 parking spaces, as well as an outdoor plaza and retail space.