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Please note: As of January 20, 2021, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.

May 2, 2019

U.S. Department of Labor and Consigli Construction Partner to Promote
Workplace Safety at Fall Prevention Stand-Down on May 6, 2019

BRAINTREE, MA – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Consigli Construction are partnering to promote the 2019 National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. The Stand-Down event will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 6, 2019, at Blue Hills Regional High School construction renovation and upgrade project, 800 Randolph Street, in Canton, Massachusetts.

The Stand-Down encourages employers to pause work voluntarily for one hour to conduct safety training on common hazards. The event will highlight the importance of fall protection and construction safety with the high school’s vocational education students. OSHA and construction professionals will train students on the use of aerial and scissor lifts.

Other partners include Laborers Local 13, New England Regional Council of Carpenters Union Local 346, and the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators.

The event coincides with OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction Week, May 6-10, 2019. OSHA’s annual event raises awareness of fall hazards in an effort to stop fall fatalities and injuries.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. OSHA’s role is to ensure these conditions for America’s working men and women by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, education and assistance. For more information, visit

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Media Contacts:

Ted Fitzgerald, 617-565-2075,
James C. Lally, 617-565-2074,

Release Number:  19-724-BOS/BOS 2019-067

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