February 2, 2022
US Department of Labor investigation finds methylene chloride,
Sinclair & Rush Inc. faces nearly $130K in proposed penalties
Employer name: Sinclair & Rush Inc.
Employer address: 640 Dell Road, Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072
Citations issued: On Jan. 19, 2022, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued 10 serious and one other-than-serious safety and health citations.
Investigation findings: OSHA issued citations related to methylene chloride hazards, including allowing workers to be overexposed to the solvent, and failing to provide personal protective equipment, eye wash stations, and medical surveillance for workers exposed or potentially exposed to the solvent. Sinclair & Rush also failed to implement engineering controls and work practices to reduce employee exposure.
Proposed penalties: $127,539
Quote: “Allowing employees to be exposed to methylene chloride improperly puts them at an increased risk of certain cancers, damage to the heart, liver and central nervous system, and skin or eye irritation. Employers must ensure critical safety and health precautions are in place to protect workers using or potentially exposed to this highly hazardous solvent from injury or illness,” said OSHA Area Director Lisa Levy in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. “OSHA recommends employers use alternative, less hazardous chemicals or methods to prevent worker exposure to methylene chloride.”
Link (to citations/findings document): https://dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/OPA/newsreleases/2022/02/osha2022172sinclair%232.pdf
Background: Based in Arnold, Missouri, Sinclair & Rush Inc. manufactures and sells product protection for plastic components, plastic packaging and other products to customers in North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America and Australia under the StockCap, VisiPak and GripWorks brands. It has manufacturing locations in Missouri and New Jersey, as well as the United Kingdom, China and Australia,
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Media Contacts:
Joanna Hawkins, 215-861-5101, hawkins.joanna@dol.gov
Leni Fortson, 215-861-5102, uddyback-fortson.lenore@dol.gov
Release Number: 22-172-NEW
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