December 9, 2019
U.S. Department of Labor Forms Alliance with Northeast Pennsylvania
Manufacturer and Employers Association to Promote Workplace Safety
WILKES-BARRE, PA - The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has signed a two-year alliance with the Northeast Pennsylvania Manufacturer and Employers Association (NEPA MAEA) to promote workplace safety and health to general industry employees and students entering the workforce in Northeast Pennsylvania.
The new alliance between OSHA’s Area Office in Wilkes-Barre and the NEPA MAEA will focus on preventing exposure to emerging general industry hazards, and addressing hazard recognition and control programs. Alliance partners will also encourage participants to develop or improve injury and illness prevention programs, and educate workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act).
The OSHA Alliance Program fosters collaborative relationships with groups committed to worker safety and health. Alliance partners help OSHA reach targeted audiences, such as employers and workers in high-hazard industries, giving them better access to workplace safety and health tools and information.
Under the OSH Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. OSHA’s role is to help ensure these conditions for America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, education, and assistance. For more information, visit
The mission of the Department of Labor is to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.
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Media Contacts:
Leni Fortson, (215) 861-5102,
Joanna Hawkins, (215) 861-5101,
Release Number: 19-1494-PHI (osha 19-71)
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