- Part Number:1910
- Part Number Title:Occupational Safety and Health Standards
- Subpart:1910 Subpart D
- Subpart Title:Walking-Working Surfaces
- Standard Number:
- Title:Fall protection systems and falling object protection - criteria and practices.
- GPO Source:
General requirements. The employer must:
Guardrail systems. The employer must ensure guardrail systems meet the following requirements:
The top edge height of top rails, or equivalent guardrail system members, are 42 inches (107 cm), plus or minus 3 inches (8 cm), above the walking-working surface. The top edge height may exceed 45 inches (114 cm), provided the guardrail system meets all other criteria of paragraph (b) of this section (see Figure D-11 of this section).
Manila or synthetic rope used for top rails or midrails are inspected as necessary to ensure that the rope continues to meet the strength requirements in paragraphs (b)(3) and (5) of this section.
Note to paragraph (b) of this section:
The criteria and practices requirements for guardrail systems on scaffolds are contained in 29 CFR part 1926, subpart L.
Figure D-11 -- Guard Rail Systems. Depicts two figures showing two types of Guard Rail Systems. The first shows the walking-working surface, posts, and mid rail for guard system. Total height measurement 42 IN (±3 IN) (107 CM ±8 CM). The second shows a different guard rail system with several more posts, Top Rail, and intermediate vertical member. Spaces between each post and intermediate vertical member is 19 IN (48 CM) MAX. Height of Guard rail is 42 IN (±3 IN) (107 CM ±8 CM).
Safety net systems. The employer must ensure each safety net system meets the requirements in 29 CFR part 1926, subpart M.
Designated areas.
Covers. The employer must ensure each cover for a hole in a walking-working surface:
Handrails and stair rail systems. The employer must ensure:
Height criteria.
Finger clearance. The minimum clearance between handrails and any other object is 2.25 inches (5.7 cm).
Surfaces. Handrails and stair rail systems are smooth-surfaced to protect employees from injury, such as punctures or lacerations, and to prevent catching or snagging of clothing.
Openings in stair rails. No opening in a stair rail system exceeds 19 inches (48 cm) at its least dimension.
Handhold. Handrails have the shape and dimension necessary so that employees can grasp the handrail firmly.
Projection hazards. The ends of handrails and stair rail systems do not present any projection hazards.
Strength criteria. Handrails and the top rails of stair rail systems are capable of withstanding, without failure, a force of at least 200 pounds (890 N) applied in any downward or outward direction within 2 inches (5 cm) of any point along the top edge of the rail.
Figure D-13 - Combination Handrail and Stair Rail. Depicts a set of stairs and combination handrail and stair rail installed. Measurement 36 IN - 38 IN (91 CM - 97 CM) between stair and top of handrail.
Figure D-13 - Combination Handrail and Stair Rail.
Cages, wells, and platforms used with fixed ladders. The employer must ensure:
Platforms used with fixed ladders provide a horizontal surface of at least 24 inches by 30 inches (61 cm by 76 cm).
Note to paragraph (g):
Section 1910.28 establishes the requirements that employers must follow on the use of cages and wells as a means of fall protection.
Figure D-14 -- Clearances for Fixed Ladders in Wells. Depicts a well squared off. The ladder should be placed 7 IN (18 CM) Min on Center and 15 IN (38 CM) MIN from either left or right side with a total space of 27 IN-30 IN (69 CM-76 CM) for well opening
Figure D-15 -- Example of General Construction of Cages. Depicts Five diagrams. The first is Access to Landing Platform through Ladder. The second is side-step Ladder, Access lateral from Ladder. The third is Hoop and See. The fourth is the cross section of a Basket Guard Hoop showing Bar measurments. The fifth is Basked Guard Hoop showing Angle from Ladder
Outdoor advertising. This paragraph (h) applies only to employers engaged in outdoor advertising operations (see § 1910.28(b)(10)). Employers must ensure that each employee who climbs a fixed ladder without fall protection:
Ladder safety systems. The employer must ensure:
Personal fall protection systems. Body belts, harnesses, and other components used in personal fall arrest systems, work positioning systems, and travel restraint systems must meet the requirements of § 1910.140.
Protection from falling objects.
Grab handles. The employer must ensure each grab handle:
[81 FR 82994-82998, Nov. 18, 2016; 84 FR 68796, Dec. 17, 2019]