Frequently Asked Questions
Question: My company operates multiple facilities on a campus setting. Each facility has less than 250 employees, but the campus has more than 250 employees. How should I count my employees to determine if I have to electronically provide OSHA my injury and illness records?
Answer: The recording and reporting requirements of Part 1904 are establishment based. Under most circumstances, a campus is a single physical location and considered as a single establishment. Under limited conditions, you may consider two or more separate facilities that share a single location to be separate establishments. You may divide one location into two or more establishments only when: 1) Each facility represents a distinctly separate business; 2) Each facility is engaged in a different economic activity; 3) No one industry description applies to the joint activities of the establishments; and 4) Separate reports are routinely prepared for each establishment on the number of employees, their wages and salaries, sales or receipts, and other business information.
Standard Number: 1904.41