Program Awareness
Build successful program awareness training:
- Identify the key topics for program awareness training.
- Make sure all workers can understand and participate in the training.
- Develop training on emergency procedures.
- Complete an activity to design three short training activities related to the program's structure, goals, or procedures.
Assess Current Training Needs
Address gaps in your training program:
- Conduct a survey or assessment of the current status of training.
- Use the survey results and other sources of information to identify gaps in your training program.
Assess Job Specific Training Needs
Identify the job-specific training needs for your program:
- Interview workers to identify hazards, controls, and job-specific training needs.
- Use results and any outside help needed to create a training plan.
Understanding Program Roles
Train workers, managers, and supervisors on their program roles:
- Create a plan to conduct training on skills needed to fulfill program roles.
- Monitor the effectiveness of this training.
- Track training by topic.
- Complete an activity to plan short trainings sessions to be delivered over four to six months.
Hazard Prevention and Controls Training
Train workers in hazard recognition and control to reduce the risk of injury and illness:
- Create job-specific training.
- Train workers on how to identify and report hazards.
- Make sure everyone can understand the training.
- Document the training.