Frequently Asked Questions


Question: May I use a different form as an acceptable substitute for the OSHA Form 300-A Annual Summary?

Answer: You may only use a different form if it is an equivalent form. Under paragraph 1904.29(b)(4), an equivalent form is one that has the same information, is as readable and understandable, and is completed using the same instructions as the OSHA form it replaces. Under paragraph 1904.32(b)(2)(iii), if you use an equivalent form to replace the OSHA 300-A Annual Summary, it must also include the employee access and employer penalty statements found on the OSHA 300–A Summary form. Equivalent forms can be maintained in any file format (e.g., Excel, CSV) provided that these requirements are met. However, equivalent forms used as a substitute for the OSHA Form 300-A Annual Summary must also be certified and posted annually as required under paragraph 1904.32.

Standard Number: 1904.32, 1904 - Table of Contents