General Duty Standard
Reflects inspection data through 02/27/2025
Use OSHA’s General Duty Standard search the text associated with the general duty 5(a)(1) standards cited during OSHA inspections.
The NAICS code has been collected for inspections since 2003. If selecting inspections prior to 2003, use a SIC specification.
Note: Before using OSHA’s General Duty Standard search, please read important information below on how to interpret the results.
The Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) was designed as an information resource for in-house use by OSHA staff and management, and by state agencies which carry out federally-approved OSHA programs. Access to this OSHA work product is being afforded via the Internet for the use of members of the public who wish to track OSHA interventions at particular work sites or to perform statistical analyses of OSHA enforcement activity. It is critical that users of the data understand several aspects of the system in order to accurately use the information.
The source of the information in the IMIS is the local federal or state office in the geographical area where the activity occurred. Information is entered as events occur in the course of agency activities. Until cases are closed, IMIS entries concerning specific OSHA inspections are subject to continuing correction and updating, particularly with regard to citation items, which are subject to modification by amended citations, settlement agreements, or as a result of contest proceedings. THE USER SHOULD ALSO BE AWARE THAT DIFFERENT COMPANIES MAY HAVE SIMILAR NAMES AND CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE ADDRESS MAY BE NECESSARY TO AVOID MISINTERPRETATION.
The Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) is designed and administered as a management tool for OSHA to help it direct its resources. When IMIS is put to new or different uses, the data should be verified by reference to the case file and confirmed by the appropriate federal or state office. Employers or employees who believe a particular IMIS entry to be inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date are encouraged to contact the OSHA field office or state plan agency which originated the entry.