- Part Number:1919
- Part Number Title:Gear Certification
- Subpart:1919 Subpart C
- Subpart Title:Duties of Persons Accredited To Certificate Vessels' Cargo Gear
- Standard Number:
- Title:General duties; exemptions.
- GPO Source:
Except as noted in § 1919.1 and in paragraph (h) of this section, the requirements set forth in subparts D and E of this part shall be strictly adhered to in all testing, examinations, inspections, and heat treatments.
Unless otherwise instructed by the Assistant Secretary in specific instances, any person accredited under § 1919.6(a) shall accept certificates, relating to loose gear or wire rope tests or to heat treatments which are issued by the manufacturer of the gear concerned, by another person accredited specifically by the Assistant Secretary for this purpose, or by any other person whose certificates are acceptable to the Administration. Such certificates shall either be attached as a part of the vessel's certification or shall be used as the basis for the issuance of the accredited person's own loose gear, wire rope, or heat treatment certificates. In the latter case, the original certificates shall be kept on file by the accredited person as part of the permanent record of the vessel concerned.
In case of practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships, the Assistant Secretary in his discretion may grant exemptions from any provision of subparts C, D, and E of this part.