March 10, 2020 • Volume 19, Issue 4 • A twice-monthly newsletter with information about workplace safety and health.
Coronavirus Protection
A new OSHA alert and guidance document on COVID-19 provide general practices to help prevent worker exposure to coronavirus.
Injury/Illness Posting
Reminder: Employers must post their Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A) through April 30.
Ladder Safety
March is National Ladder Safety Month. Learn how to protect workers from falls.
Opioid Recovery
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is seeking public comments on the development of a workplace supported recovery program for opioid and substance use.
Safety Conference
Safety Fest Tennessee will provide free workplace safety and health classes, sessions, and demonstrations April 27-May 1.
Small Business Reduces Injuries
A steel foundry worked with Michigan’s On-Site Consultation Program to significantly reduce workplace injuries.
Safety Recognition
OSHA revised the Policies and Procedures Manual for the Voluntary Protection Programs.
Construction Safety Partnership
PJ Dick Inc. is partnering with OSHA to protect workers during a West Virginia University construction project.
Fall and Struck-By Violations
Safety and Health Violations
A rail car tank cleaning and repair facility was fined $371,276 for safety and health hazards.
Read about more OSHA enforcement cases.
Whistleblower Protections
OSHA ordered a commercial motor carrier to compensate a driver who faced retaliation after raising safety concerns.
Grain Safety
A new OSHA Alert provides steps to protect workers from wet grain engulfment hazards. National Stand-Up for Grain Safety Week will take place April 13-20.
Weather Safety
OSHA has resources to ensure your workplace is prepared for severe weather emergencies.