QuickTakes Newsletter
December 8, 2020 • Volume 19, Issue 21 • A twice-monthly newsletter with information about workplace safety and health.

Coronavirus Response
A new OSHA video provides five tips to keep workers safe during the holidays.

Coronavirus Citations
Read about more OSHA enforcement cases.
Protecting Workers from COVID-19 Hazards
OSHA has removed 589,945 workers from COVID-19 hazards during the coronavirus pandemic.
OSHA Safety Partnership
OSHA is partnering with McCarthy Building Companies to help prevent injuries during a college construction project.
Alliance Promotes Safety
An Alliance between OSHA and the Missouri Association of Manufacturers will help raise awareness about workplace hazards and how to prevent them.

Where can I learn more about COVID-19 testing?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides information about testing for COVID-19, including who should be tested and what actions to take based on test results.
State, local, tribal, and territorial health departments and your healthcare provider can also help you learn about COVID-19 testing.