State Plan Adoption of OSHA’s Revised Reporting Requirements

(29 CFR 1904.39)
As of February 21, 2018

State Status of State Plan Adoption of 29 CFR 1904.39 Anticipated or Actual Adoption Date Current State Law State Plan Reporting Contact Information
Arizona Adopted identically 01/01/2016 AAC, Title 20 Chapter 5, Section R20-5-629 855-268-5251
Connecticut* Adopted identically 01/01/2015 CGS 571, Section 371-374-3 866-241-4060
Illinois* Adopted identically 10/19/2015 Title 56, 350.410 800-782-7860
Indiana Adopted identically 12/20/2014 620 IAC 1-1-1 317-232-2693 (8am to 4:30pm, M-F)
800-321-OSHA (After 4:30pm or on weekends and holidays)
Iowa Adopted identically 11/19/2014 IAC 88.5 877-242-OSHA
Maine* Adopted identically 01/01/2015 MRSA Title 26, Chapter 1, Subsection 2 207-592-4501
Michigan Adopted identically 09/01/2015 MIOSHA-STD-1501, Part 11 800-858-0397 (fatalities)
800-866-4674 (hospitalizations, amputations, or loss of an eye)
Minnesota Adopted identically 03/16/2015 M.A.R. 5205.0010 800-858-0397
Nevada Adopted identically 01/01/2017 NRS-618.378 702-486-9020 (Southern Nevada)
775-688-3700 (Northern Nevada)
New Jersey* Adopted identically 01/05/2015 N.J.A.C 12:110-5.1 800-624-1644
New Mexico Adopted identically 06/15/2015 NMAC 505-476-8700
New York* Adopted identically 01/01/2016 Part 801 recordkeeping rule Please click here to determine the appropriate area office contact number.
North Carolina Adopted identically 01/01/2015 13 N.C.A.C 07A.0301 800-NC-LABOR
Puerto Rico Adopted identically 07/22/2015 02 OSH 1904.39 866-977-OSHA
South Carolina Adopted identically 05/29/2015 SC Code of Regulations 71-304 803-896-7672
Tennessee Adopted identically 02/24/2015 Rule 0800-01-01-.03 800-249-8510
Vermont Adopted identically 08/26/2015 Adopted by reference to the OSHA standard 800-858-0397
Virgin Islands* Adopted identically 06/01/2015 Adopted by reference to the OSHA standard 800-858-0397
Wyoming Adopted identically 03/18/2015 OSHA Practice and Procedure, Chapter 4, Section 1 800-858-0397
Alaska Alaska's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. Alaska requires that all fatalities, inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, or loss of an eye be reported within in 8 hours. 05/01/2016 AS 18.60.058 800-770-4940 (8 am to 5 pm, M-F)
800-321-OSHA (After 5 pm or on weekends and holidays)
California California's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. California requires that all fatalities and serious injuries or illnesses be reported within 8 hours. A serious injury or illness is defined as one in which a part of the body is lost or permanent disfigurement occurs, or one that requires hospitalization of 24 hours or more. 01/01/2016 CCR Title 8, Section 14300 Please click here to determine the appropriate area office contact number.
Hawaii Hawaii's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. Hawaii requires that all workplace incidents resulting in an employee fatality be reported within 8 hours and that all workplace incidents resulting in an employee inpatient hospitalization, amputation, loss of an eye, or property damage in excess of $25,000, be reported within 24 hours. The incident must be reported to HIOSH by telephone or in person to the HIOSH office in Honolulu. In addition, establishments in industries partially exempted from recordkeeping requirements under OSHA, are not partially exempt under Hawaii's requirements. 02/19/2017 HAR Chapter 12-52.1 808-586-9102
Kentucky Kentucky's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. Kentucky requires that all fatalities and inpatient hospitalizations of three of more workers be reported within 8 hours. Amputations, loss of an eye, and hospitalization of fewer than three workers must reported within 72 hours. Kentucky also defines amputation and loss of an eye slightly differently than OSHA. 06/11/2015 803 KAR 2:180 502-564-3070
Maryland Maryland's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. Maryland requires that all workplace incidents resulting in an employee fatality be reported within 8 hours and that all workplace incidents resulting in employee inpatient hospitalization, amputation involving bone or cartilage loss, or loss of an eye be reported within 24 hours. The event must be reported to the MOSH Central Office in person, by telephone, or by electronic submission using the reporting form located on MOSH's public website. 01/02/2017 COMAR 09.12.21 1-800-759-6297
Oregon Oregon's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. Oregon requires that all fatalities and inpatient hospitalizations of three of more workers be reported within 8 hours. Amputations, loss of an eye, and hospitalization of fewer than three workers must reported within 24 hours. Oregon defines amputation slightly differently than OSHA. 03/18/2015 OAR 437-001-07004 800-922-2689
Utah Utah's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. Utah requires that all fatalities and any disabling, serious, or significant injury be reported within 8 hours. 03/18/2015 UAC Rule 614-1-8 801-530-6901
Virginia Virginia's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. Virginia requires that all fatalities, inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, or the loss of an eye be reported within 8 hours. 07/09/2015 16VAC25-85-1904 800-858-0397
Washington Washington's reporting requirements are at least as effective as the OSHA requirements. Washington requires that all fatalities and inpatient hospitalization be reported within 8 hours. Amputations or the loss of an eye must be reported within 24 hours. 05/19/2015 WAC 296-27 800-423-7233

*Denotes State and Local Government Only State Plans. State and Local Government Only State Plans are not required to adopt the industry conversion requirements outlined in 1904.2.