Description for 2371: Fur Goods

Division D: Manufacturing | Major Group 23: Apparel And Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics And Similar Materials | Industry Group 237: Fur Goods

2371 Fur Goods
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fur coats, and other clothing, accessories, and trimmings made of fur. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing sheep-lined clothing are classified in Industry 2386, and those engaged in dyeing and dressing of furs are classified in Industry 3999.

  • Apparel, fur
  • Capes, fur
  • Caps, fur
  • Clothing, fur
  • Coat linings, fur
  • Coats, fur
  • Fur finishers and liners for the fur goods trade: buttonhole making
  • Fur plates and trimmings
  • Glazing furs
  • Glove linings, fur
  • Hats, fur
  • Jackets, fur
  • Mounting heads on fur neckpieces