Description for 2835: In Vitro and In Vivo Diagnostic Substances
Division D: Manufacturing | Major Group 28: Chemicals And Allied Products | Industry Group 283: Drugs
2835 In Vitro and In Vivo Diagnostic Substances
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing in vitro and in vivo diagnostic substances, whether or not packaged for retail sale. These materials are chemical, biological, or radioactive substances used in diagnosing or monitoring the state of human or veterinary health by identifying and measuring normal or abnormal constituents of body fluids or tissues.
- Angiourographic diagnostic agents
- Barium diagnostic agents
- Blood derivative diagnostic reagents
- Clinical chemistry reagents (including toxicology)
- Clinical chemistry standards and controls (including toxicology)
- Coagulation diagnostic reagents
- Cold kits for labeling with technetium
- Contrast media diagnostic products (e.g., iodine and barium)
- Cytology and histology diagnostic products
- Diagnostic agents, biological
- Electrolyte diagnostic reagents
- Enzyme and isoenzyme diagnostic reagents
- Hematology diagnostic reagents
- In vitro diagnostics
- In vivo diagnostics
- In vivo radioactive reagents
- Iodinated diagnostic agents
- Metabolite diagnostic reagents
- Microbiology, virology, and serology diagnostic products
- Pregnancy test kits
- Radioactive diagnostic substances
- Technetium products
- Viral test diagnostic reagents