Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs Office of Small Business Assistance Presents...
"National and Special Emphasis Programs: Impact on Small Business Employers"
Guest Speakers:
Richard Fairfax
Director of Enforcement Programs, OSHA
Warren Rice
Program Manager, Virginia Department of Labor & Industry,
Occupational Safety and Health Training Division
Richard Douglas
Life Stride, Inc., Washington, D.C.
March 24, 2009
10:00 a.m. - Noon
Room C-5320
Session Overview:
- Explain the development and implementation procedures of National Emphasis Programs (NEP).
- Discuss the relationship between OSHA Consultation and Enforcement in addressing NEPs and how it affects small businesses.
- Describe how OSHA Consultation assists the small business community on NEPs.
- Share resources that are available to small businesses.
Light refreshments will be served. RSVP with Russell Jones (202) 693-2532 or Charlene Crawford (202) 693-2165 by March 20, 2009.