DesCor Builders Makes Worker Safety #1 Priority and Achieves SHARP Status
Company: DesCor Builders
Location: Folsom, California
NAICS Code: 236116– Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
Employees Onsite: 84

DesCor Builders receiving their SHARP certificate and flag.
DesCor Builders is a licensed general contractor based in Rancho Cordova, CA, providing full-service preconstruction, general contracting, and construction management services to private and public entities throughout Northern California. In early 2019, DesCor began their partnership with Cal/OSHA Consultation Services, which offers no-cost and confidential occupational safety and health services to small and medium-sized businesses, with priority given to high hazard worksites. Partnering with Cal/OSHA On-Site Consultation Services helped DesCor to refine and elevate their existing safety and health program and to align their safety culture with that of their subcontractors.
In the beginning, the process was challenging. DesCor had to gain the trust of their subcontractors by demonstrating that the program was there to provide assistance. During the initial visit, Cal/OSHA On-Site consultants identified various hazards that needed correcting. As a result, the company updated required safety and health programs and corrected all items consultants identified during their site walk-through. The company also provided Fall Protection Training, Silica Training and Excavation Training, and started a Regional Safety Manager meeting with all subcontractors. Today, all subcontractors participate in safety meetings; proactively help identify, mitigate, and prevent hazards; and are committed to creating the safest workplace environment possible.
DesCor’s improved workforce safety culture has decreased rates of serious injury. The company’s three-year Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) rate average for 2016 through 2018 was 0.62, compared to the national average of 2.0. Similarly, DesCor’s three-year total recordable case rate (TRC) average was 1.87, compared to the national average of 3.3. In addition, DesCor’s workers’ compensation Experience Modification Rate (EMR) for 2018 was 73%, which is 27% below the industry average. This directly decreased DesCor’s workers’ compensation premiums.
As a result of their engagement with Cal/OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Services, DesCor developed and implemented their own internal recognition program, the “Golden Hammer Safety Excellence” program, which recognizes workers for consistent safety excellence during their work performance.
Partnering with Cal/OSHA On-Site Consultation Services helped DesCor to refine and elevate their safety and health program and align their safety culture with that of their subcontractors. In recognition of their achievement, DesCor earned Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) status on June 19, 2019. SHARP acknowledges small and medium-sized businesses that have used OSHA On-Site Consultation Program services and operate exemplary workplace safety and health programs. Small businesses that achieve SHARP status receive an exemption from OSHA or the State Plan programmed inspections for the period that the SHARP designation is valid. Acceptance of a worksite into SHARP is an achievement that identifies the employer as a model for occupational safety and health among its business peers.