Michigan OSHA On-Site Consultation Program Leads Company to Gold
Company: Enova Premier

Enova Premier of Michigan, LLC is a motor vehicle parts manufacturer which specializes in tire and wheel assembly. The employer was interested in lowering its injury and illness rates and improving its safety and health management system. After researching the Michigan OSHA (MIOSHA) On-Site Consultation Program online, Enova had an initial consultation visit in August 2023.
The consultant identified eight hazards that included lockout tagout devices not being singularly identified; no site-specific written procedures or periodic inspections for the lockout program; and the personal protective equipment assessment was not written and certified. In addition, there were three guarding hazards including a nip point, a fan, and a conveyor system. Two Safety Data Sheets were missing for hazardous cleaning chemicals and oxygen was stored within 10 feet of acetylene.
All hazards were corrected within 30 days. During this time, the company improved management leadership, employee involvement, worksite risk analysis, hazard prevention and control, safety and health management program training, and collaboration with all levels of employees in the organization.
Enova implemented additional improvements by redesigning work cells to improve flow and safety. This led to increased productivity at a reduced cost. The team was educated on the safety inspection system and hazard detection. Employees are now more proactive at identifying and correcting hazards quickly. Expectations for lockout/tagout operations are clearly defined and reinforced with regular auditing. Employees are also more aware of and responsive to the risks associated with inadequate machine guarding.
In May 2024, Enova was recognized by Michigan's Consultation Education and Training (CET) Division with a Gold award which is issued to a company whose current and last two complete year’s Total Recordable Case (TRC) and Days Away Restricted and Transfer (DART) rates are below their industry average. The award requires that the company implement specific elements in their safety and health management system and have an established safety and health committee.
Since achieving the Gold award, Enova has a goal to achieve recognition in OSHA's Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). Its injury and illness rates are well below the industry average. To achieve SHARP, the company will need to implement additional aspects of a safety and health management program and continue to maintain injury and illness rates below the industry average. With guidance and expertise from Michigan's Consultation program, Enova has improved its safety culture throughout the organization, and is well on its way to achieving SHARP.
SHARP acknowledges small and medium-sized businesses that have used OSHA On-Site Consultation Program services and operate exemplary workplace safety and health programs. Small businesses that achieve SHARP status receive a deferral from OSHA or the State Plan programmed inspections for the period that the SHARP designation is valid. Acceptance of a worksite into SHARP is an achievement that identifies the employer as a model for occupational safety and health among its business peers.
OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program offers no-cost and confidential occupational safety and health services to small and medium-sized businesses in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and several U.S. territories, with priority given to high hazard worksites. Consultants from state agencies and universities collaborate with employers to identify workplace hazards and how to fix them, provide advice for compliance with OSHA standards, train and educate workers, and assist in establishing and improving safety and health programs. On-Site Consultation services are separate from OSHA enforcement efforts. To locate the OSHA On-Site Consultation program nearest you, call 800-321-OSHA (6742) or visit www.osha.gov/consultation.