Haltec Corporation Drives Safety Standards at Two SHARP Sites in Ohio
Company: Haltec Corporation
Location: Salem, Ohio
Location: Leetonia, Ohio
NAICS Codes:
493110 - General Warehousing and Storage – Salem, Ohio
336390 - Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing – Leetonia, Ohio
Number of Employees: Salem – 34; Leetonia – 112

For over 50 years, Haltec Corporation has been the industry leader in the design and manufacture of tire valves. Haltec’s 45,000 square foot facility in Salem, Ohio maintains its distribution services, as well as shipping and receiving. Its new 55,000 square foot facility in Leetonia, Ohio houses the company’s manufacturing and its technical innovation center. The technology center includes executive offices, engineering, research and development, and sales and marketing activities.
Haltec has always had a commitment to the safety and health of its employees and sought to further develop, implement, and improve all elements of its safety and health management system. After learning of the Ohio On-Site Consultation services from Ohio’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, consultants conducted safety and industrial hygiene visits in 2012 at the Salem location. These initial Consultation visits found the company lacked an emergency action plan and workers were exposed above OSHA’s action level for noise. The safety and health consultants provided Haltec with a sample emergency action plan for use as a guide and the company developed and implemented its own plan from it. The company also developed and included employees in a hearing conservation program.
Haltec’s Salem location was approved in OSHA’s Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) in January 2013. The Salem location was subsequently renewed in SHARP in 2015, 2018, and 2021. After building its new manufacturing facility in Leetonia in 2021, Haltec decided to pursue SHARP at this additional location. The initial Consultation visits began in December 2021 and after correcting hazards related to unmarked exits, personal protective equipment, and machine guarding, the Leetonia location was approved in SHARP in September 2022.
SHARP acknowledges small and medium-sized businesses that have used OSHA On-Site Consultation Program services and operate exemplary workplace safety and health programs. Small businesses that achieve SHARP status receive a deferral from OSHA or the State Plan programmed inspections for the period that the SHARP designation is valid. Acceptance of a worksite into SHARP is an achievement that identifies the employer as a model for occupational safety and health among its business peers.
Haltec’s continuous improvement includes providing employee access to safety data sheets (SDSs) by putting them on its SharePoint site, upgrading emergency and exit lighting to LEDs (light emitting diode), and implementing scheduled testing for the lighting. After a recommendation from Ohio On-Site Consultation consultants, the company implemented the use of retractable box cutters in its warehouse. Haltec management depends on employee involvement at all levels.
Haltec’s Salem location’s Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) and Total Recordable Case (TRC) rates have remained below the Bureau of Labor Statistics averages for its industry. Haltec says being a SHARP participant has positively impacted every department and all levels of management. It has raised the company’s awareness of safety and health regulations. In addition, employees are better equipped to manage safety and health issues in the workplace.
Companies interested in SHARP can contact their local OSHA On-Site Consultation program to discuss details and schedule an onsite safety and health evaluation. To locate the On-Site Consultation program nearest you, call 1-800-321-OSHA (6742) or visit www.osha.gov/consultation.