Infineum USA LP
State: New Jersey
Company: Infineum USA LP, Linden, New Jersey
Industry: Industrial Organic Chemicals - SIC Code: 2869
Employees: 750
Success Brief:
Employee ergonomics training, certification and self-help program has eliminated recordable injuries/illnesses related to Video Display Terminal usage.
The Problem:
Video Display Terminal (VDT) use caused a wide variety of ergonomics-related injuries/illnesses. Ergonomic improvements to specific VDT workstations made by consultants and ergonomics teams proved short-lived, as the workstation environment (i.e., user population, equipment, peripherals, etc.) has constantly changed.
The Solution:
Infineum USA, a participant in OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs, now requires all VDT users to obtain certification, via training and hands-on exercises, in VDT ergonomics. Users are primarily responsible for their own VDT health and empowered to solve their own routine workstation deficiencies, using various equipment and accessories approved and made available by the company for specific uses. Expert consultants are available to assist in extraordinary cases and help with early detection of symptoms related to VDT use.
The Impact:
Even though VDT use at the company has risen sharply, the incidence of recordable injuries/illnesses related to VDT use has dropped to, and remained at, zero.
- Daniel E. Agopsowicz, Manager, and Marguerite R. Miller, RN, COHN-S/CM, Heath Services Coordinator, Occupational Health & Product Stewardship Department, Infineum USA LP (April 2003).