International Paper, Shorewood Packaging

State: New Jersey

Company: International Paper, Shorewood Packaging, Clifton, NJ and Englewood, NJ

Industry: Folding Carton Manufacturing - SIC Code: 2657
Employees: 275
Success Brief:

Increased productivity and worker efficiency; reduced worker fatigue and potential for back strain.

The Problem:

IP/Shorewood Packaging, a participant in OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs, was concerned with the potential for back injuries associated with frequent bending required to move corrugated cases or carton blanks during the manufacture of folding cartons.

The Solution:

The company decided that powered scissor lift pallet positioners with attached turntables represented the best solution. This equipment enables employees to work primarily at waist level. As workers fill a pallet, the top of the positioner can be adjusted so that the work height remains at an optimum level. This eliminates severe bending, over-reaching, and other awkward motions.

The Impact:

Productivity increased as carton packers, machine feeders, and sheet inspectors no longer needed to bend, stoop, walk, or reach to load pallets or inspect printed sheets. Workers can now load a pallet more easily, in less time and with less fatigue. Workforce morale has increased as well.

  • Bill Harley, IP/Shorewood Packaging (September 2002).