Jennmar Corporation Reduces Injuries and Illnesses with Help from OSHA’s On-site Consultation Program
Company: Jennmar Corporation of Utah, Inc.
Location: Clearfield, Utah
Employees: 60
NAICS Code: 332312, Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing

Jennmar Corporation is a family-owned company that is leading the way in ground control technology, proudly serving the mining and tunneling industries. Jennmar develops and manufactures a broad range of quality ground control products designed to make mining and tunneling safer and more efficient. Jennmar Corporation of Utah, Inc. – Clearfield, Utah, began operation in 1993, serving the mining and hard rock mining industries.
Jennmar has always considered safety to be the most important objective for their people and the customers they service. Jennmar began its relationship with OSHA's On-site Consultation Program and Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) over 15 years ago in Pennsylvania. Over the years, the company has enjoyed SHARP status at several locations (Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia).
OSHA's On-site Consultation Program offers free and confidential safety and occupational health advice to small and medium-sized businesses in all states across the country, with priority given to high-hazard worksites. On-site Consultation services are separate from enforcement and do not result in penalties or citations. Consultants from state agencies or universities work with employers to identify workplace hazards, provide advice on compliance with OSHA standards, and assist in establishing injury and illness prevention programs. See Labor Commission, Utah Occupational Safety and Health (UOSH).
Jennmar – Utah has participated in SHARP since 2005. Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program recognizes small business employers who have used OSHA's On-site Consultation Program services and operate an exemplary injury and illness prevention program. Acceptance of a worksite into SHARP from OSHA is an achievement of status that singles a company out among its business peers as a model for worksite safety and health.
With assistance from OSHA’s On-site Consultation Program, Jennmar has been successful with improving consistent and effective training and new program implementation. What happens at one plant is many times carried through to all facilities as best practices. Employee involvement has also increased with employees bringing new improvement ideas, safety concerns, and feedback to management. Jennmar has greatly improved upon its corrective/preventive action and abatement process by giving specific time frames for completion of action items from audits and incident investigations.
One of the most impressive success stories for Jennmar – Utah is they are one of the oldest SHARP-approved companies in the state of Utah and are very proud of that accomplishment. Jennmar is equally proud to use this accomplishment as a selling point to customers new and old – gaining new clients and assuring current clients that they are truly a safety-focused company.
Jennmar – Utah implemented a management-based approach to safety back in 2005. As a result of this approach and a partnering relationship with OSHA’s On-site Consultation Program, the company has enjoyed a consistent reduction over the years in incidence rates of Total Recordable Rate (TRR) 60-percent reduction, and Days Away Restricted or Transferred Rate (DART) 62-percent reduction (using 2005 as the base year).
For additional information about the OSHA On-site Consultation Program, visit or call 1-800-321-OSHA (6742).
Source: Raymond Shanks, Safety/ISO Systems Supervisor Jennmar Corporation of Utah, Clearfield, Utah