The Banks - Phase I Project Partnership Exceeds Key Goals During Year 1
This OSHA Strategic Partnership (OSP) is designed to provide a safe work environment for all workers during the construction of the $40 million two-story public enclosed parking garage and street-grid. The project's cost includes site demolition, mass excavation, infrastructure and utility work, and landscaping. Key goals of the OSP are to: reduce and/or eliminate serious injuries and illnesses and provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers associated with The Banks Phase 1 project; increase the number of and the use of safety and health programs and best practices among contractors; increase the number of workers and supervisors who have completed relevant safety training through programs such as orientation, reorientation, and monthly safety training that may result in OSHA 10-hour certification; and achieve a total lost workday injury and illness incident rate of 25 percent below the 2008 Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) industry average for construction (4.4). Approximately 100 contractors participate in the OSP which covers close to 1,500 workers.
Success Impact:
Injury and Illness Rates Exceed National Average - Days Away, Restricted, and Transferred (DART) Rate and Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR)
The OSP exceeded one of their goals to attain injury and illness rates that were 25 percent below the national average. The OSP participants' attained a TCIR that was 59 percent below the 2008 BLS national average for construction and a DART rate that was 18 percent below the BLS national average. The below table presents the OSP's injury and illness data during the first year (2009) of the OSP:
DART Rate |
Fatalities |
Year 1: 2009 |
1.8 |
1.8 |
0 |
BLS Industry National Average (2008) |
2.2 |
4.4 |
0 |
Percentage Below BLS |
-59% |
-18% |
-- |
Safety and Health Training and Self-Inspections Key Focuses
During 2009, the OSP exceeded its training goal by offering 120 safety training sessions consisting of 1,358 training hours to 1,638 workers, supervisors, and managers. Each worker was required to participate in a one-hour site-specific safety orientation prior to starting any work on the project. Each supervisor was required to participate in an additional hour of training which focused on behavior based safety. OSP participants held various project wide toolbox talks (e.g., ladders, fall protection) during daily huddle meetings.
All of the OSP participants were required to develop and/or improve, and implement a safety and health management system (e.g., Safety4Site program), as well as adhere to the six foot fall protection requirement; the 100 percent safety glasses/hard hats requirement, and the 100 percent fluorescent safety vest requirement. During the first year of the OSP, OSP participants performed 154 self-inspections resulting in the identification and abatement/correction of 360 hazards.
Benefits of the OSP
Benefits reported in the OSP's first annual evaluation included: increased safety and health awareness; improved relationships with unions/workers; management; and OSHA; and an increased number of participants. It has been very beneficial for Messer to support, and have involvement, in the OSP. Phase 1 of the project is expected to be completed by early spring 2011.
Partnership Objectives:
The key objectives of the OSP are to reduce exposure to hazards and the incidence of serious injuries, illnesses, and fatalities during Phase 1 of the project; ensure a safe work environment for all workers; and increase communication and mutual respect between all stakeholders.